The Ugly Volvo

Parenting Olympics

For those of you angry that having a child prevented you from qualifying for the Rio 2016 Olympics, remember that while you may be losing at international sports competitions, you’re still in the running for a few other medals:

Event 1:

olympics weightlifting

To level the playing field, this event is divided into multiple weightclasses:




Exhausted Older Child

Young Child + Stroller, and

Young Child + Uncomfortable-to-Carry and Bizarrely-Heavy Car Seat/Carrier

*               *             *

Event 2:

olympics emotional hurdles

A feat of less-obvious athleticism, some people train for YEARS to master this event.  Gold medal goes to anyone who manages not to lie awake night after night second-guessing all their decisions or, if that proves too difficult, anyone who doesn’t break down crying for no particular reason on a Tuesday.

*               *               *

Event 3:

olympics slalom

Medals are awarded for multiple categories, including “fastest wiping,” “best use of snot-sucking apparatus,” and “fastest acceptance of booger slalom’s inevitability.”

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Event 4:

olympics wrestling

People laugh off this event, thinking, “How difficult could it be to pry a pair of scissors or a frayed piece of wire out of the hands of a one-year-old?”  or  “Oh, I could do that, it looks so easy!”  But the thing about these athletes is that these people are up every morning training at 6 a.m.  Sometimes at 5 a.m.  Sometimes at 2 a.m.

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Event 5:

olympics gymnastics

The signature move the judges will be looking for here is the “mid-change full-body flip complete with angry poop-hand swipe.”  Points are deducted for parental use of curse words.

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And Finally, Event 6:

olympics pants

This is, hands down, the top ticket item for the parental Olympics.

While incredibly time consuming and stressful for the athletes (particularly when they are on some sort of deadline) this event will always be a favorite among both children and spectators.

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Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming

I have a book coming out this September entitled Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming.  You can totally pre-order it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or and either read it or give it to someone having a baby.  

Also, please like me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter!  Or put me in your “top eight” on Myspace!  Or follow the blog by signing up in the sidebar.  Or follow other people’s blogs!  Or follow your dreams!  It doesn’t matter!  Whatever you decide is fine!  Happy Olympics to all and to all a goodnight.


79 responses to “Parenting Olympics”

  1. Avatar

    Fabulous.  I’d give it a 10 out of a 10!!   

  2. Gold medals all round!

  3. I love your posts! And my baby (youngest of 4) is 15 now!

  4. This is why I stand on my couch every night, hand over heart, weeping to our household anthem “Jingle Bells” as the laundry is raised up to the sky. The only thing around my neck is sticky, messy, sweaty children arms though.. no gold here.

  5. I really enjoyed this column; it brought back plenty of memories, not only when my daughter was a child, but of several children I babysat during high school! Keep it up!

  6. I’d like to nominate a sport my bub and I play for these parenting olympics, which is a precision sport. It’s called sleep crawling where the parents need to use judgement, tactics and a whole lot of patience to try to get baby to sleep – the baby’s job is to start sleep crawling once put down in the cot, and you lose if the baby hits his/her head on the cot and wakes up.

    Fantastic post though. Made my morning!

  7. So funny. How did you know that I randomly cry on Tuesdays (or other days for that matter)? Also, event #1 is so true. Today I was holding my 7 month old whilst hoisting my 2 1/2 year old onto the potty and then attempting to wipe her, and get her down again and pull up her pants without dropping the baby.

  8. Love it! Fits very nicely with my Toddler Olympic Events post. I think my favorite was the 200 m get back over here so I can put on your pants. I’m ready and willing to represent my country in that event.

  9. caroline seguin Avatar
    caroline seguin

    I love your writing…thanks for the laughs :o)

  10. I would totally get gold in event # 4 & 5. Also in cheerio slalom!

  11. There is also the “going to the store with a toddler who keeps squirming his hand out of yours. Judges base points on how far the child is able to get before hand recapture. Added points for keeping your cool.” It’d be a time challenge-holding onto the child and getting through the store as quickly as possible!
    Also, being able to hold child at waist level after they’ve “turned to jello”. Test of agility!
    Love the post, nicely done!

  12. about100percent Avatar

    This is hilarious. I agree that the pants event would be a crowd pleaser.

  13. Although my “babies” are now adults, I enjoy your blog — you are spot on. Wish this was around when I floundered around early motherhood!

  14. Perfect! I would’ve made it in the first category but on Thanksgiving I carried my bags plus my three-year-old in her stroller down subway stairs and injured my back, and also my soul.

  15. Hilarious, as always! And I totally agree…The parental Olympics….bring it on!

  16. Ha ha! My kids are 7,5,3, and 2. I’m laughing SO hard at #5 and #6! By far, the two-year-old is the most wriggly-diaper-change-child we’ve had! And #6–Ha ha! He also thinks it’s hilarious to streak through the house squealing, “Me naked boy! Me naked boy!” He even did this once at church nursery when I was changing him and realized I forgot to bring a diaper. Ha ha! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Brilliant! My husband is in Sochi at the moment and I can now assure him I am having my own Olympic experience at home! I hope strapping wriggly toddler in car seat features as an event. I’m going for gold with my 2 year old!

  18. I’m totally laughing out loud… probably inappropriate at work 🙂

  19. This is HILARIOUS! I can relate to many, though I think I need the most training in the 110M emotional hurdles. Good luck with that. 🙂

  20. May I please make my own submission to Event 5?

    I totally admit utter failure at the Emotional Hurdles though, random crying on a Tuesday is my forte!!

  21. I love all of your posts, but this is probably my favorite. Absolutely spot-on!

  22. Just found you blog – and this is amazing.

  23. The Olympic Committee is said to be considering a juggling competition. It will be open to everyone – wink, wink. We all know who will medal in that.

  24. […] For giggles – I don’t wanna brag, but I’m pretty sure Andrew and I could throw down for gold in almost all of these categories […]

  25. Love this post! Thanks for making my day! I am looking forward to reading more from you.

  26. i like the the 200m ” get back over here so i can put on your pants “

  27. excellent write! thank you, you made my day!

  28. Haha, some of these events had me smiling. I’m not a mother so I couldn’t possibly understand fully but having experienced some of these situations, your post is spot on!

  29. Reblogged this on Rah Rah Rachel's Blog and commented:
    This made my day. It has been tough rejoining the work force as my little girl gets taken to day care everyday. I guess thats what true athletes do, keep training for new events.

  30. Love it especially the booger slalom! My greatest challenge is ducking the hand that just grabbed and is threatening to wipe it all over my face!

  31. wow! I competed in every one of those events today! And a couple of them, I did not win.

  32. Love it! We’re competing in five out the six events at the moment. Our daughter isn’t walking yet, so we don’t have to chase her down to put her pants on. She is a very skilled changing-table flipper, though. And she’s done the full flip while poopy at least once. I think there was parental swearing. Never knew babies could pirouette on their heads.

  33. Great post! Our ten month old son is practicing his food throwing technique for what’d probably make another good event.

  34. Very cool! I like your color contrast between the white and brown, and I love the titles!

  35. I totally compete in event #6 every evening after bath time. My two-year-old should be a sprinter. Is there an event for “streaking”?

  36. Hey cool post! Thanks for sharing this. The drawings are awesome! Anyway, keep this up!

  37. Reblogged this on Lora Macfarlane and commented:
    Gold medals all round

  38. Wonderful! Participating in quite a few currently! 😉

  39. Writer/ Editor: Carrie B Avatar
    Writer/ Editor: Carrie B

    Can’t tell you how much I love this! Sitting here with cold coffee and a pinched nerve in my neck, waiting for the morning call of my threenager…this was like a pat on the back! A gentle one…owww!

  40. Reblogged this on The Road Happily Travelled and commented:

  41. Funniest I’ve ever read so far! Now I am definitely afraid to have children.

    1. it’s worth being afraid of

      1. When I read your reply, a voice in my head went ‘Awoo…’

        1. Which I assume was either a wolf howling noise or that priest from “The Princess Bride” trying to pronounce something

          1. I was actually going for a ghost floating towards me with its arms stretched in front. Possibly holding a baby in its arms too.

          2. got it. that wasn’t totally clear. but just be aware that I did that “Awooo” thing out loud in my living room.

          3. Haha. Sorry that I wasn’t clear… and that you had to howl.

  42. Reblogged this on There Was A Crooked Man and commented:
    Hilarious! Parenting Olympics

  43. faerylandmom Avatar

    *slow clap*

  44. faerylandmom Avatar

    Reblogged this on Birth In Joy and commented:
    This post deserves a slow clap.

  45. I’m a new visitor of your blog and I love your posts. I’m now helping my sister take care of her 2-year-old son. Every time when I have to chasing him for clothing, it is really pain in the ass. But all those you have mentioned are just so true and brilliant. I’m totally laughing out loud!

  46. Oh, how I enjoyed this – thank you! I told my husband just the other morning that if “synchronized bed wetting” were an Olympic sport, our kids would win gold for sure. I’m glad we all have our own version of the games 🙂

  47. I love your sense of humor and how you link parenting with it. I hadn’t previously thought of parenting in olympic event terms so that was really fun.

  48. […] to know what the Mom Olympics would entail? There’s a column for that. There’s also a mom blogger guide for that (shared on Facebook 10k+ times, of course). There was even a charity event in Atlanta called […]

  49. Very clever, very funny! Just as my eldest is to leave home – tomorrow. Thanks

  50. How about an emotional fortitude event: Being able to step over your child and walk out of the room when they are having a tantrum. Extra points for walking out of the store without the candy bar they are throwing a tantrum for.

  51. Ignoring the stares of onlookers.

  52. I love the changing table gymnastics! Thanks for the morning laugh. I needed that after my morning tumble down the stairs. 🙂

  53. Thanks for the laughs! I’ll be back to look around your blog some more.

  54. Nancy McGuire Avatar
    Nancy McGuire

    Haven’t laughed this much in a long while…..

  55. i enjoyed reading your post

  56. I’ve been training for the ‘Get Back Over Here So I Can Put On Your Pants’ for years but have never been a contender… Very entertaining post!

  57. Angry poop-hand swipe. It’s as if you know my life!

  58. Reblogged this on tjphull.

  59. laughing so hard right now i’m crying. hilarious. thank you.

  60. franv32 Avatar

    Laugh laugh laugh. The Inside the Car Hurdles could also be included however not very practical for the crowd to view.

  61. You are absolutely hilarious. Love this one.

  62. This is awesome!

  63. Surely there’s an event for the hideous-tasting antibiotic syringing Greco-Roman wrestling?

  64. Ahahaha…Man, I can’t even wait to start training for these Olympics.

  65. Brilliant, loved it! 🙂

  66. I so started writing this post in my head during the Olympics – and never put it down on paper. I’m glad someone did. You did miss events related to marathon rocking your baby to sleep, the toys all-over the carpet obstacle course, and the babe-athalon that is part chasing your child around the house with stints of accuracy while you try to get the spoon of food in the babies mouth and not up their nose, in their hair or all over the clothes you just wrestled them into. Great blogging! Thank you for making me laugh even though I’m so tired today I could cry.

  67. Oh my! I definitely enjoyed reading this! 😀 Event 4…ain’t that the truth…lol

  68. caroline Avatar

    Thanks for making me laugh again, love your writing

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