The Ugly Volvo

What I Do All Day When I Am Home With The Baby

I am, for now, a stay at home mother.  People sometimes ask what exactly I do during the day and I never have any idea what to say.   

Below is a fairly accurate description of most of the things I do on any given day.  To save time, repetitive actions like changing diapers and feeding the baby are not constantly mentioned but, please be aware, they are being done.

the ugly volvo what do you do all day

*               *               *

Aaaaaaaaand, START!

7:00 Wake up wishing I had gone to sleep before 1:00 AM.  Feed baby a bottle.

7:15 Put baby in highchair surrounded by Cheerios and cut up pieces of fruit while I make a completely overzealous and unrealistic to-do list.

my schedule the ugly volvo list

I’ll totally get to this stuff

8:00 Change baby’s diaper and get him dressed to go outside.  You are possibly going, “Wait– the last entry was at 7:15.  It took you 45 minutes to give him Cheerios and make a four item to-do list?”  I know, right?  It doesn’t make sense to me either.

8:25 Bundle baby and put extremely bundled-up baby in stroller.  Make vague attempt at getting dressed.  Put leash on dog.

8:30 Take dog for 30-minute walk, the entire time feeling guilty that baby is outside in the freezing cold.  

my schedule the ugly volvo baby cold

“Explain to me again why I left the uterus?”

9:00  Return to apartment.  Carry stroller up the stairs of our third-floor walk-up.  Un-bundle baby.

9:05 Play with baby on floor, the entire time feeling guilty that dog didn’t really get enough exercise and is becoming clinically-depressed.

my schedule the ugly volvo dog sad

“Chew tennis ball.  Stare out the window at cats.  What’s the f*%king point?”

9:35 Lie on floor as baby crawls over my inert body.  Absentmindedly wonder if there is more to it than this– if maybe other people have some sort of routine that seems less stupid and boring and pointless.  Wonder if there is some big thing I should be doing to help the baby’s development that I am not doing.

9:40 Sit on the floor and clap, hoping to teach baby to clap.  Baby will not clap.   Go online and Google, “How old babies start clapping?” and read article saying they start to do this more between 9 and 12 months. (Baby is 11 months old)

9:43 Spend the next few minutes going, “Well sh*t, maybe there’s something wrong with the baby.  He should be clapping more.”

9:47 Remind myself that he seems really well-adjusted and happy so maybe he’s just a late clapper.

10:05 Get bored of playing with baby.  Attempt one of the things from overzealous to-do list. Baby immediately crawls out of my vision and begins eating dog food.  I abandon list and pull the dog food out of his mouth.  He becomes sad.  I cheer up baby by pretending to eat his hands.


A great way to accidentally start your baby on solids.

10:20 Baby and I look at and point to the fan for a while, going, “Where’s the fan?  There’s the fan.”

10:40 Feed baby while listening to public radio.  Halfheartedly debate calling in to the Brian Lehrer show and giving them my opinion on something related to the Superbowl for no reason other than wanting to talk to an adult.


Change baby’s diaper and PUT BABY DOWN FOR HIS NAP.

baby sleeping the ugly volvo


11:01  GET STUFF DONE.  Do full load of laundry and run dishwasher.  Schedule 4 doctor’s appointments and 1 pediatrician appointment and 2 dentist appointments and pay several bills online and come up with creative re-design for website.  Sort through junk mail and recycling and go through online inbox, deleting old e-mails and responding to e-mails I have flagged.  Remember that I have not yet eaten breakfast.  Poach two eggs and make toast.  Eat breakfast, shower, get dressed a second time, reply to more e-mails.  Put load of laundry in dryer and fold laundry from yesterday.  Write blog.  Catch up on current events.  Feed/brush/play with dog.  Lie on sofa, letting myself “relax for just a minute.”

11:06 Open browser window.  Log in to my Facebook newsfeed.  Scroll down the feed, “liking” and commenting on statuses and pictures of friends.  See an article someone has linked to and think, “Oh, this article looks sort of interesting.”

11:20 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


11:45 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


12:34 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


1:03 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


1:45 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Eat Entire Box of Wheat thins. ???????????

2:00 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????





wtf just happened

2:10 Angrily swear off internet.

2:15  Take dog for 30-minute walk, the entire time feeling guilty that baby is outside in the freezing cold.

2:45 Return home.  Play with baby on floor, the entire time feeling guilty that dog didn’t really get enough exercise and is unhappy.  


3:30 Leave baby alone for a few minutes.  Wash dishes in sink until sink is completely empty.  Stare at clean sink for several minutes realizing that this is the only tangible evidence that I have done anything today.

my schedule the ugly volvo clean sink

My masterpiece.

3:40  Sit with baby on floor saying, “Mama?  Mama?” while baby laughs and proceeds to go “babababababababababababa,” which is the only thing he has said for the past two months.

4:00 Something?

4:40 Either cut up a bunch of vegetables for dinner or forget to do that.

4:45  Add a bunch of mundane items to original To-Do list and check them off in order to feel like I accomplished something.

my schedule the ugly volvo list 2

4:46  Jonathan arrives home.  Asks how day was.  Asks what I did today.  I show him clean sink and baby who is not crying or bleeding.

5:00 Elaborate closing dance number!

6:00 Audience rises to give me standing ovation as I smile and bow, tipping my hat to the crowd.  Flowers are flung at the stage as I grin and accept the overwhelming, thunderous applause.  As clapping continues I gesture to both the orchestra pit and the behind-the-scenes tech workers to remind people that I could not have done it without a lot of help from behind-the-scenes!  This is a joint effort, people!  I blow a kiss to the crowd, briefly unfolding a piece of paper from my pocket and telling everybody Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  I can’t believe I’m up here right now but just want to quickly thank my agent and manager for believing in me and all the other extremely talented nominees and my wonderful husband, without whom none of this would be possible!  Thank you so much– hope to see all of you at the after party which will be, AS ALWAYS, a total blast!  You are all such beautiful people and I’m blessed to get to work with each and every one of you!  Thank you so much!  Goodnight, drive safe!

Remainder of Evening Attend various parties, trailed by the paparazzi.  Collapse into bed (as always) around 1AM.

*               *               *

If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to the blog by signing up in the sidebar or follow me on Facebook or Twitter.  

If you read this and were like, “Wow, your life is really boring!” please know that I added in a bunch of jokes and captions and whatnot and that my actual life is way more boring than depicted.  


167 responses to “What I Do All Day When I Am Home With The Baby”

  1. Wow! I’m just impressed that you were up, dressed and out by 8.30 when mine were babies it was 11am at the earliest!
    ps where is the time spent in a darkened room crying?

  2. This might be the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Also, stop spying on my day 😉

  3. 4:45 is my favorite I think.

  4. Oh my gosh – this is so true! If I were as productive as I am in those 10 minutes while my son is napping – for even an hour more a day… I swear I could (wow – my mind just went completely blank). Okay, who knows what I could do, but it would be impressive. Unfortunately, those minutes are short-lived and followed by mindless internet surfing.
    You forgot to include the twinge of annoyance when the baby wakes up, and then the guilt for even having those feelings.

  5. My sister-in-law has no children and once had a period of about a week where she was between jobs. She told me, “I just watched TV and slept all day, and it got so boring! And that’s when I realized I could never be a stay-at-home mom like you.” I wanted to laugh maniacally or else shoot something, but I somehow found the self-control to just smile.

  6. Perfect!

  7. Woman, you are the cat’s meow. Favoritist parenting blog ever (did you know that you write a parenting blog?).

  8. Yep, that sounds about right. Especially the part that comes between 11:06 and 2:10.

  9. This is exactly my life (minus the dog), right down to the wishing my 11 mo old would learn to clap and Googling when that should happen! I caution against teaching him Mama. Mine does that and now it’s all he says…

  10. Tomorrow do nothing and when hubby asks why the house is in a state and no dinner ready say “and that’s what I do all day”.

  11. I just recently discovered your blog and think you are hysterical. LOVED this post!

  12. Such the truth. I love it. Many people do not realize all that it means to be at home all day with their pawns. Not to mention the piles of critics you get calling into question your motives and dreams when you are a stay at home parent.

    Well written indeed. I’m suprised you found time to do this post.

  13. Hilarious! Loved how you wrote random things on the list and checked them off. But, you DID do a lot. Laundry, dishes, wrote a blog post, and the baby was not crying and kept all of his blood inside. Well done.

    1. I loved that too! All the random things you added, then checked off. I do that too!!!

  14. I LOVED this post! … especially the captions on your pictures. I love the way you take mundane things and make them hysterically funny!

  15. Reminds me of my friend 🙂 very funny! Roxie x

  16. This was so funny! Hey, my son does not clap either and he is already one. Should I panic? HAHA
    I loved your post, I actually read it with my husband. Thank you for making us laugh! Correction: my husband read it out loud for me. Well what can I say, I had a busy, busy, long day with our son… 😉
    xoxo, Eszter

  17. I’m loving your blog. Our kids are grown, no grandchildren yet, but you bring back so many memories. Thought you might enjoy this anecdote, which I read online just yesterday. Hang in there… you DO a lot more than it might seem, and what you do is VERY important!!

    A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard.

    The door of his wife’s car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog.

    Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall.

    In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing.

    In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.

    He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened.

    He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door.

    As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap, and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls.

    As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel.

    She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked:

    “What happened here today?”

    She again smiled and answered, “You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world I do all day?”

    “Yes,” was his incredulous reply.

    She answered, “Well, today I didn’t do it.”

    1. amycoppola Avatar

      That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that.

  18. Really one of the best things I’ve read in a while! Your articles make me feel human. 🙂

  19. Barb aka Grammy Avatar
    Barb aka Grammy

    Thanks for finding the time to make me smile, your blog brings back fond memories

  20. Funny and heartbreaking and dead-on as always. When do we get to watch you on The View or something talking about how you were really just writing a blog to vent and express yourself and you kind of can’t believe the response?

  21. You forgot to mention the 3-minute mommy pooping session that takes daddy 40-minutes.

    I worked hard to get baby #2 to say “dada” first, because it was glorious to poke him at 8 am on Saturday and say “the baby is calling for you!”

    My almost 2 yo is not walking (though she does clap). So add playgroups where I feel like my baby is inadaquate (obviously due to my lazy mothering) and endless PT sessions.

  22. Brilliant and true – and add in the part where I also work from home.

  23. I just have to say that I’m so glad to read I’m not the only person who pretends to eat my baby’s hands. She thinks it’s the most hilarious thing ever. She started sticking her fingers in my mouth, so I went with it, and now I can’t get her to stop.

    I feel normal again after thinking I was weird for doing it, so thank you 🙂

  24. Suzanne McCarthy Avatar
    Suzanne McCarthy

    Wow, my boys are 25 and 22, and your post brought those early days back to me as though they were last week. Believe me — you will survive, you’ll (eventually) get things done, and you’ll wonder how those days went by so fast! Hang in there!

  25. My first just turned 2 months. This is us, minus the dog walking (Major props! Our dog is definitely depressed.) And my spurts of productivity are usually interrupted with “What was I just going to do? Why did I come in this room? Have I eaten today? What time is it? Maybe the internet knows…” and then it’s over.

  26. Reina Jenkins Avatar
    Reina Jenkins

    Thanks! I hope you are published! Very entertaining!

  27. Yes…
    Except for the part where – no, wait… that was a yes too.

  28. Haha that sounds so familiar!!

  29. Goodness, gracious! You have just described my life! I really started to think that I was the only one with days like this. I read all these other “mommy” blogs and feel so inadequate because I”m not crafting my hind parts off or baking all day:)

  30. This is bloody brilliant!!!! I nodded my head the entire time I read your post. Loved it!!

  31. I’m convinced the universe conspires to make the earth spin faster when the baby is napping, there is no other rational explanation for it!

  32. Oh my gosh, yes. Sometimes the only reason I actually do the dishes is so that I can look at the spotless sink and feel accomplished.

  33. Your lucky you have a partner who comes home so early. Mine comes home at 10pm and leaves at 5am and I have two children. Thank goodness we all have facebook

    1. Oh man, hang in there. Also, having a partner with those hours would make for AN AMAZING HORROR MOVIE. I would watch it and be totally terrified so get to work on that screenplay!

  34. “Add a bunch of mundane items to original To-Do list and check them off in order to feel like I accomplished something.”

    I do this all the time. And don’t feel bad about not being able to tick off Anna Karenina, I am yet to have my baby and can’t tick that one off. Before I was even pregnant I attempted it and put it down when I realised how small the type was (I’m an English teacher!).

  35. Mine’s been clapping for awhile but he just started pointing and he’s 14 months. I recommend a mother’s day out program. You’ll get to feel like a real person again for one day a week.

    I think all babies learn the same skills in different orders and they don’t all come together until they’re two or three. This is my theory, and it has yet to be disproven.

  36. Diana T. Avatar
    Diana T.

    Just a thousand times yes. Thank you for making me feel normal.

  37. YOUR LITTLE ONE FOR REAL TAKES A 3 HOUR NAP EVERY DAY!?!?!?!?!? How in the what where how how how how how?? My 8 month old won’t do more than an hour no matter what I freaking do. (FTR she’s an awesome sleeper at night).

    1. I know. It’s ridiculous. Lately it’s been more 2 1/2 hours but still. It saves my life.

    2. I KNOW! What is this madness!?! Mine is a year tomorrow and she’s also an awesome night sleeper, but man, naps. Nope. I think the longest she’s napped for the sitter is 2 hours. Does that EVER happen for me on the weekends? Nope.

  38. Oh excellent! I’m not the only one who adds items to their list after doing them, so that I can give them a tick!

  39. Does it help to know that I got to the part where you finished the dishes and felt inadequate because I switched to paper plates and plastic spoons for the time being?

  40. Serafina Roffey Avatar
    Serafina Roffey

    Thank you for writing this! Hilarious post. As a new stay at home mom (for now), I can relate. The days go by so fast and there is always so much to do. I wish we were neighbors and we could have had tea together and laugh all about the craziness!!!!

  41. Our son’s basically the same age (and I’m wondering now if we go to the same Gymboree). He’s got clapping down, but I’ve been trying to teach him the “Open Shut Them” song that other kids in playgroup mastered months ago. So far, all he does is clap my hands for me.

    1. We may. My son is the kid in the level 3 class who is never sitting anywhere near the circle and seems completely uninterested in any of the songs or activities and only mildly interested in the parachute.

  42. This is only 1 baby, you have 2, so everything is doubled. My family thinks fairies come in and do cleaning, laundry, shopping and cooking! Lol

  43. Lol – Baby immediately crawls out of my vision and begins eating dog food – I’ve been there!

  44. Hi,
    don´t despair!!!!

    I´m at baby number 2 and can understand your frustration. Your scenario sounds familiar, in spite of some differences: no bottles (breastfeeding instead), no highchairs (since baby number 1 attempted a salto out of one), no dog (a grumpy cat instead, still finding refuge in any place where babies should sleep).

    But honestly – even if it sounds incredible – babytime is fun. At least that´s how I feel now. After two years of resistance, guilt, exhausting and torturing do-the-best-ever approach, I started enjoying the kids presence, their mess, laughter and honesty. As baby number one grows, I rediscover long-forgotten pleasures – like building up railways, bridges, churches, colouring and drawing, or simply having a good laughing session.

    Guilt comes back sometimes, maliciously reminding me that baby number 2 gets more attention and pampering then her toddler brother has got at the same age. Or because our flat is too small and a huge mess most of the time. Or that I feed both kids with processed food from jars when I can´t stand anymore the messy home and go out as far as possible with kids and husband. And frustration that I don´t do anything, but literally nothing productive outside the household. Whether two pregnancies and births had a brainwashing effect or is something else, I have no idea, but these phases of guilt and frustration are shorter and shorter, leaving each day more space for fun, laughter, play, reading, walking and screaming.

    So stay optimistic. Things might change – even if the perspective of a brainwashed happy mother seems scary right mow :).


  45. This was great to read but I didn’t read every ones comments because I remembered I had something to do…it was Laundry maybe, check on napping baby, make bread???

  46. I have really bad news for you. It doesn’t get better. My youngest baby is 27 years old and that’s about as much as I still get done every day. Check out my blog and you’ll see. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but some shit you just gotta hear.

  47. Your lucky my little one doesn’t nap for more then 10min at a time if naps

  48. I feel like weeping with relief when I read your posts. I have a 9.5-month-old and went through the clapping freakout last week. Thank God you exist.

    1. Done freak out 🙂 11 months in and mine just started waving (finally) but still no clapping.

  49. I swear you are me, except living in Manhattan and a comic. The dog/baby guilt is my life every day. Oh, except your kid naps for 3 hours?! $&@% you…I mean that in the nicest way possible 😀

  50. […] kids most afternoons, and with Zeke on Fridays, and typically on snow days, so I did identify with this post by The Ugly Volvo. Parenting a baby can be so spectacularly joyful and so thoroughly frustrating from moment to […]

    1. Hahahahaha so funny! I hate when people ask me that!

      But don’t feel guilty about taking the baby outside in the cold. In Finland, where I live, we let the babies take their naps outside all year round from the day they’re born. Supposed to prevent allergies, flue bugs etc…

  51. Looking forward to all of this coming up soon 🙂

  52. OH MY GOD, I’m not the only one! 🙂 THANK YOU!

  53. I had kind of forgotten how those days were until I read this…now I am tired. lol This was a great and fun read. Love it! Hugs

  54. This is such a great post! I think that Moms deserve medals

  55. “Wonder if there is some big thing I should be doing to help the baby’s development that I am not doing.”

    Oh my God. This is me. All the time. Thank you for making me feel better about this. And, you know, everything else you mentioned. I don’t stay home and still relate to all of this. My current developmental freak-out is walking. Mine turns 1 tomorrow and still refuses to do anything but cruise or push things around the room. Meanwhile, the little girl at church three days younger than she is walks independently and I could just curl up and cry. I think my husband is ready to murder me in my sleep.

  56. […] What I Do All Day When I Am Home With the Baby […]

  57. Avatar

       Deserves a standing ovati

  58. […] my day and write a funny blog such as so many I have read (that are awesome by the way, check out and they totally apply to me.  I am REALLY not proud of that […]

  59. I need to do a journal of my day…although I’m terrified to know how many cookies it takes me to just make it to lunch.

  60. i just started a baby and mama class and during our first ‘sit in a circle and share’ time, I tried to explain that my days (which go about like this except with more anxiety and guilt that dog/baby/I don’t eat enough and don’t seem to get anything done) are making me crazy and can anybody help me out with this?
    class: judging stares and silence.
    apparently i should only ever read your blog for parenting commiseration.

    1. clearly they are all very busy writing long dissertations and ending poverty!

  61. Reblogged this on RemmiDemmi Circus.

  62. “Walk aimlessly back and forth”

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

  63. […] gebrauchten MOIZI 2 (Kinderhochstuhl). [geklickt] Wieder eine Auswahl meiner Lieblingsposts: Über Babyalltag und Elternabend. Etwas länger her, aber unheimlich romantisch. [getan] Meinem chaotischen […]

  64. Wait, what…?! Your baby takes a 2-3 hour nap? Can I exchange my baby for yours? Or at least this sleeping part of your baby….

  65. Awesome! I can totally relate, especially the part about the sink.

  66. Oh yes, and after the 30 minute walk where you are worried about frostbite, you unwrap him at home, realize he’s a sweaty disaster and start worrying you may have cooked his internal organs. Ah, parenthood!

  67. So true to life as a mom. Love your perspective!

  68. My husband is a stay-at-home dad and he kept laughing as I read this to him. I told him he should do the “to-list” trick of adding a bunch of stuff to check it off so that I would be impressed by how much he did.

  69. Oh, I love this. I’m a stay-at-home mother/artist/blogger/sueprmodel/chef… just a stay-at-home mom mostly. Four kids in three years is my tagline, not because it’s funny, but because it’s true. We should be required to write down exactly what we do every day every 6 months. Because it will change so much but we will be so exhausted that we will have no idea what happened during these years. We’ll call it mom-nesia.
    Blog on, brave mama.

  70. This is my day! I feel so guilting for feeling bored!

    1. so do I. Always. But it is so boring. It is really wonderful and life-affirming and fun for maybe up to three hours? And then very repetitive.

  71. Jessica Montoya Avatar
    Jessica Montoya

    Your baby naps for 3 hours? I am so jealous. Mine is 16 months and napped exactly 35 minutes since she was one month old 🙁 my day is like yours minus all the stuff you accomplished from 11-3 which actually seems like a whole lot to me! Funny article, thanks for sharing!

    1. xelestial Avatar

      Don’t feel alone, that is my baby boy too! I can get him down a maximum of 40 min to an hour a few times a day but that’s only after I’ve spent 30 minutes trying to get him to nap! I feel like I’m doing something wrong all the time. I would LOVE 2-3 hour naps.

      1. My daughter is 20 months and I’m lucky if she takes a nap at all. And with a 4 month old. I’m lucky enough to even have time to read the blog

  72. Definitely funny!
    But, who’s husband gets home at 4:46pm from work???? Being a military wife, maybe I’m living in alternate universe….my DH (when stateside) arrives home somewhere between 7 and 9 PM on any given night.

  73. I get you. I actually got to the point of being on hold with the Lehrer show.

    1. you have no idea how much this comment makes my night.

  74. I love it! But how do you manage to bundle up the baby and get out of the house in only 5 minutes? It regularly takes me half an hour to get ready to take the dog for a walk… Maybe when I have an 11 month old and hence 3 more months of practice I will only need 5 minutes, too. Or maybe, hopefully, I won’t need to bundle up the baby quite as much any more in 3 months. One can hope, right?

    1. bundling up the baby and getting out of the house in five minutes is like working 3 jobs in college. You look back and go, “wait– how did I do that?” And you don’t really have any idea.

  75. Boring??? SUPER boring!!! Don’t have the baby, just the dogs, and currently not working. My day is kind of the same and Read this made me realize that it’s being in the house all day the f*kn problem!!!!

  76. crabbymommy Avatar

    Gosh. I can relate to this completely. I don’t have it as tough as you, I can tell you, because I have help, and yet I know exactly how you feel! I wrote about this once in my blog, after an obscure relative asked me what I “really did” all day. I quite resisted the urge to douse him in the wine I was drinking – it was too good to dress him in!!

  77. Brilliant!

  78. Something that helps me through the day is writing down goals and tasks that I can accomplish along with those I hope to accomplish. I may even include something like “tried new toy” or “fed dog” to the list to make sure I noted that. I accomplished something!

    Kids learn rough play- no need to feel guilty.

    Hey, you can teach the baby and dog how to play together so baby can learn gentle touches with pets, etc. Plus side, no one feels left out- no guilt.

    You need a little down time- and nap time- no guilt.

    Maybe elevate the dog bowls on a platform with stairs for dog to discourage baby. My baby loves trying to eat the dog food, too, but when we don’t need it, we store it away.

    If you feel bad about 3 hours on the internet, it might be time to log how often you are online and what that really adds up to… Is it really necessary, how can you make internet time work for you- like looking up developmental milestones or tricks on keeping the dog entertained. Hey- we’ve all looked up stuff like that.

  79. *Kids learn THROUGH play.

    I should have reread my comment. Oops.

  80. […] written last month, but the Huffington Post picked it up this week. This post, entitled “what I do all day when I’m home with the baby” is pretty true to the mark for many mums, I’d […]

  81. Hey don’t feel guilty about taking your baby out when its cold. Honestly, I swear they love the variety of getting outside. I took my daughter out all the time and everyone would give me stink eye – but you know what? It was the only time I could get her to nap and just plain get some quiet time to think. One thing you might like to add to your gear is a stroller rain cover. I bought one branded by “Jeep” on Amazon and what it does (in addition to blocking rain) is that it also blocks rain and provides a little bit of a baby greenhouse type effect.

    1. Sorry, I meant it also blocks wind!

  82. This is genius! You nailed it. My favorite part was when husband came home, my stomach was in a knot just thinking about it, Haha! You are a great mom…

  83. I can only get my baby to nap for more than 5 minutes if I lay down with him. Then, invariably, I fall asleep for three hours too. Then I spend 15 minutes running around like a crazy person vacuuming, cleaning all off the things.

  84. […] You can find the hilarious link here -> “What-I-do-all-day-when-I-am-home-with-the-baby” […]

  85. Stephen Avatar

    Am a stay at home Dad and after packing off my son and wife to school, I give the house the once over, fall asleep while checking e-mail, awake in a fright after an hour and face more challenges that are on the Honey Do List before said occupants begin to return home, more snacks to be made before homework, dinner started, grumpy wife returns and unloads, fun begins. Repeat the next day.

  86. My life right now. I hate the not being productive except my baby only takes 40 minute naps most of the time and is a sensitive sleeper so I get like nothing done, fun boring or otherwise. People don’t appreciate how much it sucks to be a SATM/D during the not fun parts.

  87. I remember those days. Long, long, long. I think we went to the grocery store or Target a lot. I’m impressed you have a blog during this time. You ARE being productive beyond the sink and keeping the baby safe! I have teens now and I still can’t complete my to-do list but I can cross off more. My closets are still a mess but they will always be a mess whether I have 5 kids or zero. I hate cleaning closets. Enjoyed your post.

    1. thanks very much. Half the time I’m amazed I find time to write anything also.

  88. This is so hilarious – it’s just like my life with my 9 month old. I also write long To-Do lists and accomplish none of the items on my list and then write additional items to check off just to feel like I did something. 🙂 I’m glad to see I’m not the only one dying of mental boredom while raising my baby at home alone. Are there moms out there who actually just sit and play with the baby all day long? I feel like that can’t be normal.

    1. I’m almost positive that is only in commercials.

  89. […] If you want to read other blogs of mine, here is one I wrote on What I Do All Day When I Am Home With The Baby. […]

  90. Hannah Avatar

    I love you. Thank you for this.

    1. I love you too. thank you for enjoying it.

  91. That’s okay; someday you’ll get grandchildren and you can actually accomplish that to-do list, nap, go to bed at a reasonable time, walk the dog without guilt, and have more fun that you ever imagined with those wonderful grandbabies! And when they eat the dog food, dirt, get wet, tired, cranky, whatever, you get to say, “Here! He wants you…” to his/her parent! So glad I had kids and now I have grandkids! And you know, only the best mom’s get to be grandmas!

  92. It’s such a relief to read this. I guffawed throughout, and for quite some time at 10:20am in particular. Oh and the wild mix of emotions at 2:50. And the clean sink. All of it really!! I love this post so much and I am so grateful to you for writing it!!! Have shared with all my mummy friends xx

  93. I am so glad that when I babysit, nobody asks me what I did all day! I used to make sure to empty the sink and straighten up the furniture, and sometimes throw away food that had mould on it, and the mum would come home and practically cry. Reading this, I think I know why! But seriously, the parents usually come home and are so grateful they can trust me to not kill their kid that I’m burbling about how we went to the park! And ate two whole weetbix for breakfast! And played with the blocks! And took a nap! While they thank me repeatedly.

    So, yeah. Maybe pretend you are the babysitter. A clean sink is a worthy accomplishment.

  94. Bilen E. Avatar
    Bilen E.

    This has officially made…made…. my year.
    I have been a stay at home mom for exactly 2 years and one month. (That’s how old my son is). I can not explain to you the overwhelming joy I felt reading this blog. I laughed all the way through and I started crying when I got to the “sink” and “mundane to do list” portion. (Seriously pure comedic genius). I always feel like I NEVER do enough, or never play enough with my son, or never clean enough. It’s a repetitive cycle of guilt and questions and To Do’s that literally flash by. (Where do the hours in the day go? Has it really already been two years?)

    Ok so I’m going to follow you on FB now, I can’t miss anymore funnies from you.

  95. honey, you need a sling! Helps you get out and baby will be all cuddly warm. 🙂

  96. Love the part about logging into facebook and reading an article, I laughed from that moment to the end non-stop. Actually, that is me right now and I’ll swear off the internet too but will back on tomorrow (when will I learn).

  97. Kristen Avatar

    Don’t forgot that the dog didn’t pee or poop in the apartment because you successfully took him out with baby twice! In winter! From a 3-story walk up! Seems like a miracle deserving of flowers to me.

  98. oooooooh I sooooo get the guilt. **I’m just sitting here rocking back and forth whispering “yesssss yesssss” like some kind of Gollum….

  99. I think we are the same person.

  100. I am this blog post.

  101. wait til baby is old enough that you feel comfortable enough leaving him alone in the house while you walk the dog, only to return home to find the refrigerator door open, 6 apples with one bite each taken out of them, water mysteriously all over the kitchen floor, an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet, and the kid in the basement door (that you know, you swear was locked and the kid can’t reach it, or can he?)

  102. Just found your blog thanks to freshly pressed 🙂 assuming that is your dog in the photo, it is a small dog and so 2 x 30 minute walks should be fine. Most dogs (ie dogs not bred for working) need 30minutes to 2 hours depending on age and size so an hour should be about right for a small dog. From your caption, it seems he sits around a lot- dogs that are under exercised get bored and will be constantly looking for something to do and generally don’t sit still. While dogs will of course enjoy more walks, they can be perfectly happy and healthy on less.

    1. I got a bunch of these comments so I’ll reply to yours (because it was really well worded and kind and practical). She totally gets more than that most days. Most days I take her for an hour in the mornings to play with another dog she loves who lives nearby and in the afternoon she either goes for a long walk or goes to the dog run for a while. And in the late evening she gets walked again. It’s really important to me that she’s exercised so I feel like she’s had a good day. This piece was more about how, on the rare days when I can’t do that for her (this winter has been CRAZY) how horrifically bad I feel. It’s not about doing a bad job (because I work very hard to take such good care of her), it’s more about that horrific parental guilt you feel, whether it’s a dog or a baby, that even though you’re working so hard it’s just not enough. and you feel like it’ll never be enough. Because when you love either a dog or a baby you want so much for them to be perfectly happy all the time. And you know they can’t be. But there’s a part of you that still wants it.

      Thank you very much for writing. Have a lovely weekend 🙂

      1. I feel the same way about my dog and was just hoping to ease your guilt. On the odd less active days I find it useful to think of how I get. Some days I want to do the bare minimum, preferably stay in my pjs all day and watch lots of tele and I’m sure my dog feel the same sometimes…

      2. Can dogs exercise on treadmills?

  103. Desirae Avatar

    Unfortunately, I’m not a mom…I help my sister who is a recent widow with a 7 year old and 18 month old daughters. This is exactly how I spent Christmas break while she was at work. I would come home with food and other things in my pockets or stuck to my clothes wondering what on earth it or how it got there. I have GREAT respect and admiration for stay-at-home and single mothers. It is not easy an easy job. You do deserve a standing ovation.

  104. The stay at home mom is a western convention and is so isolating and depression provoking.

    1. Pam Simpson Avatar
      Pam Simpson

      I was a stay at home Mom and wouldn’t trade the time that I spent with my children for ANYthing. ( My education experience includes a B.S. Degree and I worked for years before choosing to be a stay at home mom..) Yes at times it was mundane, exasperating and monotonous , but that’s just the point… ‘at times’. More often my children were feeling the love of a devoted parent, learning about all that I could teach them and knowing true security. I in turn relished each step and new look of wonder as each child discovered this wonderful life God gave them. You cannot buy, rent or hire that. I was there for them when they were crying and sick as a child, when they wished I wasn’t watching them so closely as teenagers, and later to answer the phone and give advice to a college student at 1 am. I am still here for them, cheering them onthough they have gone on to begin their own adult lives. I am blessed to have been given the time to be with them, for it was only for a season. So, if you asked me what I did with my days I would have to say ‘ I loved and was loved in return’. Nothing is more satisfying than to know you gave all you could of yourself and did all you could to love another human being…..and I have two beautiful, loving, kind, successful children to show for it. What a legacy to pass on to each generation to come! Believe me, they WILL copy what you exemplify. So pat yourself on the back for taking the responsibility and caring enough about your child to give him your time. It’s the wisest choice for most and the HARDEST job in the world. After all what other job has you work 120+ hours a week, requires a lot of standing and squatting, requires the ability to lift up to 75 pounds, allows no time off, expects you to work even harder on holidays , requires difficult decisions and negotiation skills, expects you to wear many hats (culinary skills, time management, custodial skills, basic life saving techniques, money management….) and pays you no money??? But the pay out in love and the feeling of a job worth doing is priceless! One important thing to do is to find or start a ‘play group’ w a few other moms that have children the same age or close in ages. Then be REAL with each other. It is so comforting to hear from other moms that your child is not the only 11 month old that doesn’t clap etc. it’s a support network as well asap lace you and your child w can make lifelong friends. Best wishes for you and yours

  105. […] even at the kitchen table when necessary). The other day I read a blog post by The Ugly Volvo, on What She Does All Day When She’s Home With The Baby and seriously, I laughed my head off and cried at the same time, because it’s exactly like […]

  106. Susanah Avatar

    When my son was about three weeks old my sister said “So what do you do all day? Just eat and hang out?” My husband and I still laugh about it.

  107. I stumbled on your delightful blog this morning while goofing around online instead of going to the gym. I laughed out loud (startling the dog). My “baby” is now 26 years old, and my decision to hop off my lucrative but soul-eating career track and be a full-time mom was the BEST thing I ever did. I lived your life, including the much adored guilt-inducing dog (a Westie), who was my first child. I felt very isolated (that was the era, all my peers were taking 6-week maternity leaves and then squeezing back into their pinstriped suits); I wish I’d had this wonderful community of bloggers and blog-followers! My perspective is that you will never regret your decision to be a stay-at-home mom; all the other stuff of your pre-baby life you can have again, but you can’t regain time with him. Savor every sweet, frustrating, exhausting, seemingly pointless beautiful moment together. You DO deserve roses!!!!

  108. Roosmarijn Avatar

    Maybe a good tip, I learned from a mom of one boy (3y) and twins (1): do all your chores while kids are awake! This way kids learn that some things just need to be done and most importantly: when they enjoy nap-time you can enjoy too, without having to do chores. It was the best advice ever 🙂 Our daughter is now 19 months.

    1. Awesome, you captured it perfectly! Our five kids are older, but we can remember a time when the most intellectual conversation we had together revolved around potty training, a night out consisted of getting some take out, and a ‘date’ usually meant an appointment with a broken piece of household equipment. I would recommend getting front loading washer dryers with the clear doors, just try not to sit down in-front of them yourself. Love the blog

  109. Well, at least you have a lovely clean sink. I like to clean my sink when things feel out of control. Sounds weird but as you say, it’s tangible evidence — sometimes the only tangible evidence — that something got done today. Bravo!

    I love that you choose to answer this particular question and did so, so articulately. Well said, beautifully written.

  110. lindag Avatar

    Yes, its not always an entertaining life, very fun like a circus sideshow, with my 3 daughters, life is fun. They also did the roll of tp clogging the toilet. And I guess only the first bite of apple tastes good to babies. And peanut butter sandwiches were about the same size as VCR tapes so thats why they went in the vcr player. Any leftover food just got hidden in the sofa. Child logic. Wouldn’t have traded it for any job!

  111. I’m just sitting here rocking back and forth whispering “yesssss yesssss” like some kind of Gollum!!

  112. If you are concerned about what kind of activities to do with your baby at playtime you can check out a really good blog called mammaot. It has a lot of fun and developmentally appropriate activities for babies and toddlers. Also there is a book called Retro Baby in which the author, Anne Zachary gives a bunch of play ideas to boost the baby’s development without using any fancy or expensive gadgets. Many of these activities are simple and do not take a lot of time.

  113. Jennyanydots Avatar

    I remember at work one day when I was in my last trimester, talking with a male colleague about how being home with the baby would be such a nice break from work. Oh, the incredible naïveté I once possessed!!

    You so brilliantly capture the absurdity and pathos of being a mother. Thank you.

  114. I cried and laughed almost histerically at the same time. Good stuff.

  115. Helena Avatar

    Wow, were you watching my life through surveillance cam? You brilliantly capture the endless guilt and futility of a new mother’s life. Thank you for making us feel less alone.

  116. so you haven’t found the Higgs-Boson particle yet, huh?

    1. No, and I’m going nuts. I’ve checked in all my pants pockets. UGH.

  117. kate howard Avatar
    kate howard

    hilarious-we raised 6 kids-and we survived-i am a recovering adult of many children-alll good but it took a toll-your post was fabulous-you are preparing a little one for the world-it is darn important and profound work-(work!)

  118. God that is genius! I love it and you! 😀 the best part is the ah yes just have a quick check of facebook….!

  119. Elizabeth Avatar

    This. Is. Amazing. Just found you…on baby #3…and still feel like what you wrote is my life.

  120. Rachel Wright Avatar
    Rachel Wright

    I am so glad I’m not the only one constantly googling “when should baby _____” ! I have 14 month old twins and your blog, and this post specifically, hit the nail on the head!

  121. Fricken hilarious, lady! So true. The vortex of days that is life with a little.

  122. Reblogged this on A Better Life – Without Permission and commented:
    I love how accurate this is even being a father.

  123. […] Dus. Lees vooral alle tien de argumenten op The Ugly Volvo, vervang het woord tattoo overal voor kind en lig gegarandeerd in een deuk. Dat geldt trouwens ook voor alle andere hilarische bijdrages op dit blog. Zoals de excuusbrief die deze moeder aan haar hond schreef of hoe je dag eruit ziet als je de hele dag met een baby thuis bent. […]

  124. Cheryl Avatar

    I am sitting here in tears…tears of laughter! I lost it at 4:46. Lmao! My life is taking care of my 1 yr old and loading and emptying the sink of crap….all. The. Time. Keep em coming!

  125. This was so funny and sooo me too….and there’s still so much more that we do in a day!!!

  126. Jamila mohammed Avatar
    Jamila mohammed

    I’m a new mother. My baby is 9 months. why do we feel so guilty? I just wanna know! someone explain it to me plz

  127. […] recently read one of those viral parenting articles about the schedule of a stay at home mom with an 11 month old baby. I got a good laugh from it, but the thing that really caught my attention was the fact that her […]

  128. This really made me laugh out loud thank you for that!!!
    How do you get you baby to sleep in cot…arg that is my mission in life then I could die happy, well that and getting her to sleep through (gasp) great blog 🙂

  129. Omg I am pretty sure I just injured myself because of how hard I was laughing at this. It’s funny cause it’s TRUE. My daughter is almost three now so the daily routine is different, but I definitely remember this feeling on a daily basis. Thank you for this. I LOVE it 🙂

  130. I love this post and can absolutely relate. I just wrote a blog post and included a link to this post specifically because of how much I love it! You put it perfectly.

  131. You are so funny and spot on!!

  132. Ha, you are spot-on describing my day as a stay-at-home-mom (minus dog and) of a 11-months old baby. Yes, I find myself washing dishes and cleaning more these days. what a good analysis of the psychology behind it. 🙂

  133. Great blog post for someone who doesn’t have kids and is at the prime age of being asked why I don’t have a baby yet! I’ve never known if I want to have a babino. It may happen someday, or it may not. It’s good to get an idea of what its like before you actually make a decision. Honestly, this day you posted about is not far off from my days as a student. Just incorporate “project” or “study” into wherever you spoke about your baby. For example: “Sit with project on the floor saying, ‘Mama? Mama?’ while project laughs and proceeds to go “babababababababababababa,” which is the only thing it has said for the past two months.” That’s totally my life right now.

  134. My baby is now 4 years old (!!!!) and on Saturdays when my husband is at work I struggle to get us both up and dressed by, like, midday. Even though we get up at 7. I have no idea.
    thanks for the giggle!

  135. So your 6 p.m. entry leads me to believe that you’re actually the character of Ralphie from A Christmas Story, if Ralphie was a SAHM in the 21st century. In other words, I laughed. A LOT.

  136. How am I just discovering your blog. This made me laugh tears. This is my life, hahaha.

  137. Lol! That is just too funny! Can totally totally relate!
    Thank you for such an excellent share (and helping me realise it’s quiet normal to have mummy-guilt and worry!)

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