The Ugly Volvo

Reasonably Good Advice Written on Bananas

My mother used to write on my bananas.ย  It is one of those weird things I remember about my school lunches.ย  I remember that she would always pack me a Red Delicious apple (which I would promptly throw in the garbage because Red Delicious apples taste, if I am being generous, like dampย cardboard) and I remember that she would write me messages on my bananas.ย  Sometimes it was something simple, like my name alongside a smiley face, but occasionally it was well-wishes.ย  Good luck in school.ย  Some brief piece of advice for making it out of third grade alive.

And it wasnโ€™t that I even particularly liked bananas, because I didnโ€™t.ย  I desperately wanted a fruit roll up like the other girls had, or that packet of crackers that came with the cheez spread and the red plastic stick.ย  But I found myself getting excited about the messages on my bananas– it was something to look forward to.ย  I have always been so hungry for insights and reassurance I will sometimes stand for an hour in Barnes and Noble, eagerlyย reading the inspirational magnets.

It is nice, I guess, to get a snippet of good advice in a place you had not expected to find one.

And so now, depending on who you ask, I am an adult.ย  I am no longer navigating the hallways of my elementary school, wishing my hair dried straight and begging my mother to buy me Umbro shorts.ย  But I have different problems.ย  Adult problems, which like child problems are often very silly and yet which also feel totally crushing and completely insurmountable.ย  And my mother does not write on my bananas anymore because I am the mother.ย  I pack my own lunch.ย  So on a whim, to help me make it through the year, I wrote out some bananas of my own. These bananasย are technically for me, since they are all things I need to hear now and then.ย  But I am putting them here in case any of them are also for you.ย  If you want them.ย  And if you donโ€™t want them because your mom packed you a fruit roll up or those crackers with the cheez spread,ย no sweat. ย It’s cool. ย I am used to being the one with the weird lunch.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

Ok, enough with the blabbering. ย Here are

13 Pieces of Reasonably Goodย Advice Written on the Skins of Bananas

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


bananas pinterest theuglyvolvo
It is fine if your life does not look like an Anthropologie window display.

You do not have to have a coffee table made of distressed barnwood and neither your dinner plates nor your pillow cases need to match each other. ย It is fine if your house looks like an exploded version ofย your college dorm room, with milk crates and futons and those $15 IKEA side tables that people are always trying to get rid of. ย Under no circumstances must youย embroider homemade throw pillows for your living room, and you do not have toย make whatever recipe involves roasted beets with goat cheese and brie even though yes, it looks beautiful in that picture.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *



We all get older.
We all get older.

Occasionally you may look in the mirror and think, โ€œOh dear!ย  I used to be young and attractive and now I am becoming less so!โ€ย  That is normal and fine, to notice that.ย ย  People who are in their early twenties right now will someday have weird veiny hands and spittle in the corners of their mouths and people who are currently in their late sixtiesโ€”the ones who say things like, โ€œDid you read that on the interwebs?โ€ and do not understand how to use Facebook–used to be hip, flirty twenty year-olds on whom other people had ridiculous crushes.ย ย  Every old woman in a nursing home was once an eighteen year-old girl and whoever is on the cover of Maxim will someday wear support pantyhose and wish that her breasts did not look like long, deflated balloons.ย  We all die eventually, so try and do something fun and fulfilling in the meantime.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


bananas good person theuglyvolvo
Try to be a good person. I am aware that most days this feels impossible.

For my entire childhood people told me that I should be a good person, but no one ever mentioned that THIS IS INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT.ย  It was always listed as โ€œsomething I should do,โ€ ย in the way that one does ones math homework.ย  No one even mentioned that it would not come naturally.ย  That it was not a single, static decision (โ€œI have decided that I am going to be good!โ€) but an ongoing series of choices. But being a good person is really really important.ย  If my son has to choose between learning all the state capitals and being a good person, I could give two sh*ts about the stupid state capitals.

Honestly, I could care less about the state capitals either way.ย  Whatโ€™s ours here in New Jersey?ย  Trenton?*

*I just looked this up.ย  Yes.ย  Itโ€™s Trenton.

ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


bananas mistakes 1 theuglyvolvo
The best way to learn is by making mistakes.

The things I learned through my mistakes are the things of which I am most certain. ย Which is hard, since I donโ€™t want my child to make really horrible mistakes, or ones from which he canโ€™t recover, but I do want him to make mistakes.ย ย  Tons of them.ย  Is that a normal thing to want?ย  If not, then wanting ย him to make mistakes is a mistake and OHHHHHHHH, do you see what I did there?

ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


bananas blame 2 theuglyvolvo
Everything is not totally your fault.

I am not saying that parents are not responsible for their childโ€™s behavior.ย  Because of course they are. ย We’ve all seen that Veruca Salt scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. ย But I know so many parents with two children whoโ€™ve said, โ€œI did everything exactly the same for the first one and the second one and WTF, THEY TURNED OUT COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.โ€

Children are not a cake, where as long as you put in all the ingredients in the right amounts it will turn out the same every time.ย  Do the best you can and donโ€™t beat yourself up if things do not go perfectly.ย  My mother is not responsible for my decision to wear horrible, ill-fitting pants for most of my adolescence.ย  It is not as if she did not try very hard to teach me how to dress.ย  But I have that gene that makes you mistakenly buy pants that are five sizes too big and also the other gene that makes you insist that those pants look fine.

ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


bananas other parents theuglyvolvo
We’re all a little weird.

It is always unnerving to be excluded from a group.ย  But whenever some other parent is looking at me like I am sort of weird it takes me a few minutes to remember that I am sort of weird.ย  That is maybe my favorite thing about myself.ย  And if they are not the type of person who likes hanging out with slightly weird people, what on earth would we ever talk about?ย  The weather?

ย ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


Nothing in the Restoration Hardware catalog is going to make your life any better.
Nothing in the Restoration Hardware catalog is going to make your life any better.

I am embarrassed to say this, but here we go: ย I love looking at pictures of beautiful houses.ย  A lot.ย  I scroll through Pinterest the way teenage boys look at pornographyโ€”obsessively and anxious that someone will walk in on me while Iโ€™m doing it.

Whatever the reason,ย I love photos of built-in bookshelves and bathrooms with exposed brick.ย  I love beautiful stone fireplaces in the types of houses I could never in a million years afford to have. ย But you know what else I love?ย  Eating entire boxes of Hostess cupcakes.ย  Both these things make me deliriously happy while Iโ€™m doing them but kind of depressed in the long run.ย  I try, when I can avoid it, not to do either.ย  Of all the things Iโ€™ve enthusiastically purchased for my apartment, thereโ€™s nothing thatโ€™s really made me any happier than I already was.

ย ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


Don't look down at people.
Don’t look down at people.

The other day I saw this super stylish woman who obviously had a bunch of money and seemed sort of self-important and I immediately thought, โ€œUgh, that lady probably looks down on other people all the time.ย  People like her are the WORST.โ€

And then I immediately realized that no, she is not the worst. ย People like me, who self-righteouslyย say that other people are the worst,ย are the worst.ย  And then I realized that no, none of us is the worst.ย  We are all trying our best and obviously making a lot of mistakes, but thatโ€™s fine, thatโ€™s how we learn. (Banana #4!) ย I canโ€™t seem to stop judging people, but I can catch myself in the middle of doing it and make myself stop.ย  Itโ€™s not ideal, but itโ€™s a step in the right direction.

ย ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


Don't sweat the small stuff.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.

In the grand scheme of things the style of pants your child wears during her junior and senior year of high school is not that important.ย  I am speaking directly to my mother on this one.ย  Yes, it might grate on your nerves,ย butย letโ€™s just pull a Queen Elsa and Let it Go.

ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


Be kind.  Both to people and to terriers that keep trying to eat the bananas that you are trying to photograph.
Be kind. Both to people and to terriers that keep trying to eat the bananas that you are trying to photograph.

I am, for the most part, a pretty nice person. Butย sometimes people are really really mean, either to me or to a person I care about.ย  And sometimes I can manage to, maybe not be nice, but to not actively be mean back.ย  But sometimes in addition to someone being unnecessarily cruel, I come up with something to say back that is so mean and smart and perfect that Oscar Wilde and Dorothy Parker would pat me on the back and hand me a martini ย before asking me if I could explain to them how Twitter works.

And even reading that back I am thinking, โ€œWell yes, but THEN it is ok to be mean! ย If someone is being really awful.โ€ย  And yes, sure.ย  It is ok or it is not ok.ย  I donโ€™t know.ย  But I never feel great about myself when I have been mean to someone, even if whatever I said was brilliant and funny.ย  Which is a bummer.ย  Clearly I know I should be nice but am a little conflicted on this one sometimes.

ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


Follow your bliss.
Follow your bliss.

My grandmother loved to paint watercolors and my grandfather loved to build models of old buildings out of salvaged pieces of wood and the plastic from old McDonalds salad containers.ย  My father loves being a lawyer so much that for years I didnโ€™t understand stereotypes about lawyers because I thought they were wonderful, impassioned people who loved their jobs and were professionally and emotionally fulfilled.ย  My husband loves writing poetry, even though any money we have made through his poetry has been spent on stamps to mail out more poetry submissions.ย  I have no idea what my son will like to do, but he comes from a long line of happy people who do things they enjoy doing.ย  This seems as good a way as any to encourage him to follow suit.

ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


Be patient.
Be patient.

Sometimes the hardest part of having a kid is having a kid while simultaneously having an agenda.ย  You are supposed to be somewhere by 3:30, but your child walks at the speed of a turtle that has just been given Quaaludes.ย ย  Your agenda is having a conversation with an old friend but your childโ€™s agenda is to have a bowel movement that causes the earthโ€™s axis to shift.ย  Or maybe you had some stupid idea for a blog post where you write down the advice youโ€™re always trying to give yourself on bananas and you say, โ€œIโ€™m going to get this whole post done by tomorrow!โ€ so you run out to the market and buy around 14 bananas.ย  And then suddenly your son has a fever and needs your constant attention and you literally donโ€™t have two free seconds to do this stupid thing with the bananas so they all start going bad on your counter.ย  And youโ€™re looking at the bananas going, โ€œPlease stop going bad–just hold out for like a day while I take care of this sick baby!โ€ ย But bananas listen about as well as children do and you wind up having to get rid of about half of them and going out a second time to purchase more bananas. ย And meanwhile youโ€™re eating bananas like crazy and giving them away to anyone who will eat them, which is weird because they all have pieces of advice written on them, which you are hoping no one will notice.ย  But you buy additional bananas.ย  ย And at this point the old couple who work at the fruit market probably think you are illegally breeding chimpanzees in your two bedroom apartment, but it is fine.ย  This is life.ย  My point, I think, is to:

Do your best.
Do your best.

Because that’s all you can do, really ย So that seems like as good advice as any.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *


ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *

If you enjoyed this post, you can follow the blogย by signing up in the sidebar, or like The Ugly Volvo on Facebook or Twitter. ย 

OR. ย Or you can watch that awesome documentary, “Hot Coffee” that was on streaming Netflix a while back. ย (It was really good! ย I’m not sure if it’s still on streaming though.) ย Or you can re-read all the Harry Potter books. ย Or you can finally memorize the rap from TLC’s “Waterfalls.” (I already know it so once you learn it we can sing it together) ย Or you can spend all day reading the Wikipedia biographies of the cast of Frasier, which is how I somehow lost two hours the other day.

Or you could like me on Facebook. ย Here is a giant link for you to do that if you are so inclined.ย  ย If you know someone who needs either life advice or potassium, please share the post via my Facebook page. ย And thanks. ย You are the best.

Special thanks go out to my husband’s co-workers who helped us eat all these #*&@ing bananas.


81 responses to “Reasonably Good Advice Written on Bananas”

  1. I think I love you. And also, thank you for the advice about children and cakes and ridiculous pants, because mine (children, not pants) have been making me crazy lately, and their clothes make me crazier.

  2. My mom also packed weird lunches, but they were really good lunches. She also “started” my oranges for me, which embarrassed me to heck in high school, but my friends responded with, “Your mom packs your lunches? Wow!” So I never complained after that.

    My banana: “Your kid may not be one of the Cool Kids, and you may not be one of the Cool Parents.”
    I never realized that Cool Parents existed, and that I was not one of them, until I was never called to help with any of the SAFE Party fundraisers during my kid’s senior year. Oh, well. I had enough volunteer crap going on, anyway, and my son had a blast at his graduation party, without my help.

  3. Your banana post arrived when I was wallowing in a mini-crisis moment (because with 2 kids, 7 or 8 pets (who can keep track), a husband, a job AND creative “aspirations” I was actually struggling with just about everything on the “banana list” (except the ugly pants thing – my daughter has an insane amount of fashion sense and it’s weird – she is like a modern day Molly Ringwald…I digress). But thanks. Thanks for all the advice. You did those bananas proud.

  4. I wish my daughter brought bananas for lunch. But this made me feel better about my decision this week to by my 4 year old son hello kitty shoes and pink leggings. Who cares? He does. He likes pretty things!

  5. Thank you. That’s exactly what I needed today.

  6. Love the banana insights! P.S. Were you a a French major? Your shelf looks like mine…

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      Those are my husband’s books– he lived in France for a little bit and reads in French to try not to lose too much of the language and IS IT CLEAR YET WHICH ONE OF US IS THE INTERESTING, CULTURED ONE IN THIS RELATIONSHIP? I’m totally fine with it though, I swear.

  7. Lynn in Tucson Avatar
    Lynn in Tucson

    Only two comments? Really? ‘Cause this is genius. Have shared widely.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      thank you, you are lovely.

  8. I seen a rainbow yesterday…..oh yeah now that’s stuck in my head, I know all the words too. I’d sing with you.
    I get excited when I see an updated post from your blog, you’re one funny mama!

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      too many storms have come and gone…
      why did I even type that, now it’s going to be in my head all night!

  9. You’re absolutely lovely, and brilliant. I don’t have kids, but I was a nanny for a very long time, and aside from that, I’m a human, so even without the kids, that’s good advice for my inner child (yes, we love commas). I’m going to start packing advice bananas in my lunches. Thank you for all your wonderful posts. I’m always looking forward to the next.

    And yeah, Red Delicious apples ARE the WORST. But really.

  10. Thank You for your posts, my wife and I love reading your blog. I am going to do this for my little boy. He may throw them in the garbage, but at least banana’s are cheap. Great post.

  11. I love this. I enjoy your blog immensely. And yes, red delicious apples absolutely taste like wet cardboard.

  12. You really ARE just awesome. I love your writing and especially appreciated the ‘turtle on Quaaludes’. Thanks for the solid bananas!

  13. Love this! I really need to work on trying to be patient myself. Just wondering – would your mom write messages with the banana curved down, so that when you read the message it would be in the shape of a smile?

  14. You are an important part of my existence today and I thank you. Exactly what I needed. Thanks for being you!

  15. Just an FYI, even a cake will not turn out the same every time. You mentioned waterfalls, but really all I could here was us rapping Shoop together. Great post, as always.

    1. *hear Stupid auto correct.

  16. Thank you, your patience banana is now the wallpaper on my phone so I can be reminded of it regularly. Think I might also need one that says “your baby hasn’t forgotten that you looked after him alone for a year whilst daddy was deployed and does love you still even though now all he does is lie on the floor screaming for his daddy to come home again” but I’m not sure that will fit on a banana so I’ll stick with trying to have patience.

  17. your best piece is dad bridge walk. and this comes right after it. lovely

  18. […] “I have always been so hungry for insights and reassurance I will sometimes stand for an hour … […]

  19. Kika Wintermute Avatar
    Kika Wintermute

    Raquel, thanks for the banana and the advice! Both came at precisely the right time for two reasons: one, the advice fit like a glove (I have an 18 year-old teenage girl) and; two, I was very hungry and the banana was deliciously sweet!

  20. “If they are not the type of person who likes hanging out with slightly weird people, what on earth would we ever talk about?”

    I found my banana! I’m tempted to carry some of these around to throw at people but then people might cotton on and start throwing their own banana-advice back and that stuff stains and I would probably get more bananas than I give, so.

  21. I just wanted you to know that you make me feel really good about myself, partly because of what you write and mostly because I manage not to resent you* for being a genius who’s way funnier than I am.


  22. Enjoyed your banana advice post. I used to put notes in my daughter’s lunches, but on special cards, not bananas. By the way, you can make banana bread with those ripe bananas. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. I caught this blog by accident. You sound like I think I sound in my head. Except you had the life I didn’t have. I had the family from hell whom I haven’t seen in 30 years.

    I am going to start putting messages on bananas. I love giving people things to think about. Is it shameful to copy? Should I use oranges or carrots?

    Thanks for your thoughts, today.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      copy away if you’ve got a pen and some fruit…

  24. Holy crap. I was sort of laughing and crying through that whole thing. Bananas are not my friend, so I am racking my brain to figure out what I can write on so I, too, can digest your messages literally and figuratively. Incidentally, I probably should not start trying to memorize the words to the “waterfall” rap, because I just wasted 20 minutes reading up on the etymology of rack and wrack to avoid making an egregious grammatical error.

  25. I love these. I might need to start packing inspirational bananas.

  26. Life lessons and potassium all in one? Your mom sounds like a clever lady, even if she was misguided on the pants. I love your bananas*, and you’re right about folks who don’t like weird. They spend a lot of time talking about the weather.

    *Not a euphemism.

    1. And window treatments. Weather and window treatments.

  27. I love this post and the idea. I think I’m going to try it with my kids. They don’t eat many bananas but I pack them grapes every day. I’ll try writing a letter on each grape and see if they can figure it out ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. You just brought the ‘message on a piece of fruit’ concept to a whole new level.

  28. […] came across thisย post last […]

  29. This is the best and most inspirational blog post ever! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with the world! I laughed and cried all at the same time. Will share widely.

  30. I do not like Banana’s . I like Banana splits ,bread ,pudding ! You shod patient this ! I may buy& eat Banana’s just to read the messages . Thank you for the advice ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. Ditto to all of the above and thank you! Ironically, my husband sent me this the same day I got your post and before I had a chance to read or share. He knows my thoughts about red delicious apples, as well as my consternation about what happened to them–when I was a kid they WERE delicious. ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. As far as Banana Nr. 6 goes – I think one should always be particularly wary of people who aren’t at least a bit weird. Cause those always turn out to be either psychopaths or cyborgs. Or both.
    Fabulous, touching post.
    Thank you.

  33. Really nice posting.. and creative mom ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love this post

  34. Oh god I did the pants thing too. Why did we do that?

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      God, I wish I had a reason but I’m coming up with nothing. At the time I believe my excuse was “comfort.”

  35. I loved this!!!! Especially number six. I always feel awkward and more than a little weird, and that people are thinking, “wow, she is weird!”, even though they probably aren’t.

  36. Perfect. Just so perfect.

  37. Number 11 made me tear up. I’m struggling a bit at the moment. Following my bliss with 14month old cutie is extremely tricky… and then there’s all that self doubt. Thanks for the advice, they were all worthy of a banana.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      Following your bliss when your kid is running into traffic can be difficult but never lose sight of trying to follow it ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Thank you for your wise advice! As I’m currently in the phase where I’m hoarding all these great ideas for when my 1 y.o. daughter grows up, this will go on my list… Maybe I should make myself a banana to “You will be a great parent, regardless of how many fun ideas you may or may not have time to try out”.

  39. Very good! Very, very good. Almost perfect. So close. I feel that you are truly remiss, however, for not writing “Don’t eat the peel.” One can never be too careful. It’s a litigious world, friend. You wouldn’t want to end up having to sue yourself for accidental peel ingestion.

    But, as you point out on the last banana, you’ve done your best, I suppose.

    (Truly, loved this.)

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I would hope he wouldn’t eat the peel but now might be a great time to point out that you can eat both the shells of peanuts and the wrappers on Trident gum! (You totally can!) Enjoy life, everybody!

      Also, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. I’m proud to see that the banana didn’t fall too far from the mother tree.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      Oh my god, dad, I haven’t logged in for so long and I am both flattered by the comment and amazed that you know how to comment on a post online. You’ve come a long way.

  41. Advice on bananas! That’s genius. Tell me – did your mother invent fortune cookies? It’s totally cool if you say yes.

    All your advice is spot on, and good for anyone to practice daily.

  42. ‘whenever some other parent is looking at me like I am sort of weird it takes me a few minutes to remember that I am sort of weird. That is maybe my favorite thing about myself.’
    yaayyy for this!

  43. Thank you. I recently started a blog about being unemployed and directionless, and this post gave me a little boost of positivity today. Sometimes I wonder if we would all be happier living in little caves by the ocean without things like Facebook likes, GHD hair straighteners, gym memberships and Home Beautiful magazines.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I’m not going to say that I think that exact same thing every day but I’ve definitely had the thought, “Hey, maybe I’ll raise my kid like Jodie Foster in that movie “Nell” where they live in the woods and never interact with other people!”

  44. Thank you so much…after having a power struggle with bed time tonight involving me,my husband, and our 3 year old, and feeling like a bunch of crappy parents for both my husband and me, I really appreciate reading your bananas. I don’t care if that statement sounded weird. I keep wishing I could get a hug with those bananas too

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      If there were a way for me to digitally hug people I’d happily do that.

  45. This. This post and your bananas are word for word insightful and mildly scary that it shares the same views I often think. Thank you neighbor across the river.


    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I feel like they’re not the worst views to have. ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. I really, really needed a bunch of inspirational bananas today. Thank you!

  47. My wife forwarded me your story and it was a terrific reminder of how we often get focused on the little things that prevent us from enjoying the fleeting moments we have with our children. Your article gives me even greater resolve to keep improving so I can be the kind of husband and father my family deserves.
    Thank you,

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      thank YOU. Your family sounds very lucky to have you.

  48. Hahaha! Love it! Also I just realised that even your ‘please like me on facebook/twitter/etc)’ is also hilarious, and now I have to go back and reread the rest of your posts. Hopefully my child will stay asleep…. ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      thanks, and I hope for your sake your child does also (typed by someone whose child is currently asleep.)

  49. I was really, really curious about what you did with all of the bananas. Relieved by the ending – you saved me from half and hour of trying to decide if you wrote on both sides of each one. Thanks. Also, brilliantly written.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, they were all eaten and enjoyed.

  50. I found you through ‘Milk and Whiskey’. This is brilliant. You hooked me on not needing to look like my Pinterest board (because I’ve always believed that Martha Stewart destroyed America ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and it just kept getting better. Thank you for reminding to to stay real.

  51. girl… You Rock.

  52. I really enjoyed this. I would add one bit of advice (on a banana): “Rotten bananas make really good banana bread”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. Christina Avatar

    Make some of those magnets…… Thank you for sharing. :o)

    1. I make magnets.. Which would you like??

  54. Thoroughly enjoyed this post.

  55. Dana Poore Avatar
    Dana Poore

    I so needed this read today. All I can say is thank you.. It helped me feel so much better.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I’m so glad. Try not to stress. Hang in there.

  56. Thank you for being real… and for some good advice, and especially for making me laugh. (Loved the ‘Goodnight moon’ post! ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Meelike Avatar

    Somehow reasonably good advice written on bananas is much more refreshing than otherways.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      and has more potassium

  58. As someone who is currently pregnant, I am absolutely LOVING your posts! This is truly just what I needed. After everyone telling me “just hold out until your second trimester, that’s when everything calms down” but then still being sick on the couch… I appreciate this little bit of wisdom and hilarity about motherhood. I will certainly be following along from now on!

    1. Raquel D'Apice Avatar
      Raquel D’Apice

      thanks and good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

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