The Ugly Volvo

Oh, he looks “JUST LIKE YOU”

When the baby was only a month or so old everyone kept saying, “Oh wow, he looks like your husband.ย  He looks so much like your husband!”ย  And now he is six months old and at a family gathering the other day I had at least 10 people say that he looked exactly like me.

And here is the thing:ย  No.ย  He doesn’t.ย  He doesn’t look exactly like me because I am not a small, fat, round-headed baby.ย  At one month he did not look “so much” like my husband because my husband is not a tiny, shriveled alien-like creature with no hair who constantly cries.ย ย  I cannot even stress how much he didn’t look like my husband.ย  If the baby had committed a crime at that age (let’s say he robbed some old women) and was brought into the police station for a lineup next to a bunch of other newborn babies, there’s no way they would also choose to include my husband in the lineup.ย  And if they did, there’s no way the old women would squint through the glass, looking at the 5 or 6 disgruntled newborns and would say, “Oh wait, maybe it wasn’t a baby, maybe it was that fully developed adult in the button-down shirt and the glasses.ย  I just can’t choose because they look so much alike.”

He does not look just like either of us.ย  At this point when people ask, “who does he look like?’ย  I respond, “All the other babies on the internet.”ย  Which is true.ย  A few times a day a picture of a baby will pop up in my newsfeed and often my first knee-jerk reaction is, “How did someone else get a picture of my baby!’ย  And then 9 times out of 10 it turns out it is a totally different baby that looked almost exactly like our baby.ย  (And 1 time out of ten we have to take him back from my mother, who has kidnapped him.)

But people don’t like when I say he looks like all other babies.ย  They say, “Yes, I know to some extent all babies look alike, but who does he LOOK like?’ย  And the answer, which no one wants to hear, is he looks like a smaller version of ALL BALD WHITE MEN.ย  That being said, here is the list of answers I am going to give you when you say:


1. J.K. Simmons

When the baby smiles, I have been known
Or as my mother will probably say, “Oh, that guy from the insurance commercials?”

The baby looks a LOT like JK Simmons, which is not an issue for me because I really like JK Simmons.ย  His character in “Burn After Reading” was so wonderful it made me wish everyone in my family looked like JK Simmons, although in fairness, that might be a bit overwhelming.ย  Most of the time when people ask who the baby looks like, I pick Simmons and then have to spend ten minutes thinking of a movie or TV show they know with him in it so that they can go, “Yeah.ย  Ok.ย  I guess.”

2.ย  Michael Chiklis

bb bald guy from the shield
I am not as familiar with his body of work, as evidenced by the fact that I saved his photo under the file name: Bald Guy From ‘The Shield.”

Chiklis is a little intense-looking, which is why I was hesitant to use him at first, but in fairness, he does sort of look like a super-intense giant baby.ย  If my baby were really intently focusing on something, this is sort of how he looks, which is I guess the roundabout way of saying, “My baby looks like Michael Chiklis when he’s pooping.”

(And obviously, that’s when the baby is pooping.ย  I have no idea what Michael Chiklis looks like when he’s pooping, but odds are there’s a GIF of it on the internet somewhere.)

3.ย  Patrick Stewart

"The Time Machine" Premiere
He’s so wonderful I’m only sorry my baby doesn’t look MORE like Patrick Stewart.

I love Patrick Stewart.ย  He doesn’t have any hair and he looks happy.ย  The baby also has no hair and also seems pretty happy.ย  Both of them make me happy.ย  There’s a lot of happiness going on in this post.ย  The main difference between Patrick Stewart and the baby is that the baby wears fewer dark turtlenecks and doesn’t have a little friend-baby that looks like Sir Ian McKellen.

4.ย  Vin Diesel

I want to see pictures of Vin Diesel as a baby just to see if he looks exactly the same, just smaller.
I want to see pictures of Vin Diesel as a baby just to see if he looks exactly the same, just smaller.

Vin Diesel walks this impossibly fine line of being extremely good looking and also looking EXACTLY LIKE A BABY.ย  I have no idea how this works.ย  My brain explodes when I look at pictures of him too closely because that is how much I cannot wrap my mind around this dichotomy.ย  I assume most of his roles involve guns and tattoos and explosions so that people don’t stare at him going, “Wait– is this a giant version of the kid from ‘Baby’s Day Out?”ย  He’s an action hero and yet I have no trouble picturing him in one of those Sears photo setups with a blanket draped over his smiling head.

5.ย  Mr. Clean

This is basically how my kid looks, only less angry about stains.
This is basically how my kid looks, only less angry about stains.

Look, I’m not saying that I’m thrilled about it, but I’m saying I’ve definitely picked up the baby and gotten the “Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean” theme song stuck in myย  head.ย  Luckily babies this young can’t really cross their arms like this yet, and I’m not sure Mr. Clean is capable of being photographed in any other stance.

6.ย  John Malkovich

I'm glad he doesn't look too much like John Malkovich, since it would be rough being terrified of my own kid.
My 6 month old and John Malkovich have the same ears

Can you even look at John Malkovich without picturing him in an enormous onesie?ย  I can’t, which makes watching his movies difficult.ย  Although in fairness part of it is that he’s such a great actor that if Hollywood were looking for an adult actor to play a baby in a movie (due to some dramatic change in child labor laws) he would be everyone’s first pick since he’sย  a.) totally believable as a baby and b.) can carry a film.ย  Not only does he have those kind, mournful eyes, he could embody the soul of a baby– I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled a Daniel Day-Lewis and stayed in character even while the cameras weren’t rolling.ย  Also, he was so good as Lenny in “Of Mice and Men” I cried like a giant, John Malkovich-sized baby.

7.ย  James Carville

bb james carville
I’m not saying that my baby looks like James Carville, but I’m saying that some babies do.

James Carville looks like a man but also exactly like a baby but also a little bit like an alien.ย  I’m not positive how someone can have all three going on at once but he clearly does.

8.ย  Bruce Willis

He was the voice of the baby in "Look Who's Talking," and honestly, I'm not positive why they didn't skip the child actor and just use Willis for the role.
He was the voice of the baby in “Look Who’s Talking,” and honestly, I’m not positive why they didn’t skip the child actor and just use Willis for the role.

Ok, so Willis looks a little bit less like a baby than some of the others and I think if I had to guess it would be the sharp features.ย  He has very delicate, adult features, with none of that childish doughiness.ย  Still, if you were to photoshop his teeth and his wrinkles away, when you were finished being terrified by the image you created you’d agree that he looks pretty much like a baby.

9.ย  Uncle Fester

Sometimes I also dress the baby like this.
Sometimes I also dress the baby like this.

Uncle Fester looks unnervingly like most of my son’s baby pictures.ย  When I sent out birth announcements I considered sending them out with a bald picture of Christopher Lloyd just to see if anyone would even notice.

If someone wants to photoshop this photo into a crib and wrap it with a Winnie the Pooh swaddling blanket it’s probably not even going to look weird.

10.ย  All of the Guys in Blue Man Group

bb blue

They’re bald with enormous eyes.ย  None of them speak.ย  And their entire show is basically just them making an enormous mess.ย ย  The similarities are so striking that if you’re on the fence about having a baby I might just recommend your getting tickets to this show because it’s great and when it’s over you don’t have to put any of them through college.

*ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  *ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  *

Enjoy the post?ย  “Like” The Ugly Volvo on Facebook or follow me on Twitter or follow the blog by clicking the “follow blog” button at the top of your sidebar.ย  Thanks.

Similar Posts: A Baby Book of Disasters


146 responses to “Oh, he looks “JUST LIKE YOU””

  1. Re: Vin Diesel… 1) *love him* 2) If you haven’t seen it, watch The Pacifier. Hilarious family comedy with a bit of intrigue. You’ll laugh your butt off. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. When my grandkids were born, I thought them absolutely the cutest babies ever. In my heart of heart I thought they all looked like little old bald me. I wonder when I thought little old bald me started to appeal to me?

  3. you've got a friend in ronni Avatar
    you’ve got a friend in ronni

    Thanks, love it. I’m not mentally creating a all-girl version.

  4. I just can’t relate. Mah babies were absolutely STUNNING at birth. In fact, I said so. A LOT. To anyone within earshot of our room. Tiny little male models, each. It’s possible, though, that it was just the Loratabs doing all the talkin.

  5. This was hilarious. That said, if you really think other people’s babies look exactly like yours, maybe you are faceblind. TOTALLY not trying to insult you here. I’m Faceblind, and I find a heck of a lot of people look completely alike. (and to be fair, they completely do) And now to continue with the compliments: this was oh heck funny. I didn’t pee myself. But on a worse day I might have.

  6. Just to provide you with validation… My two year old pointed at every picture (other than the Blue Man Group) and said “Baby!”

  7. Love this post. My little brother looked like Don Knotts, and my baby girl looked like Marlon Brando.

  8. Whoever you are, you are hilarious! And you write brilliantly. I laughed all the way through. Are you a comedian or a writer for comedy shows–because you could be. If you’re not already…

  9. Hahahahaha finally a funny post in Freshly Pressed! Good job! ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. Outstanding post! So funny! Totally enjoyed this.

  11. Great blog, had me laughing from the get-go. I suggest you shave your husband (not in any sort of fetish-related way) and get a picture of him holding your baby onto this post. That way we’ll know for sure.

  12. Why the ugly Volvo. I love Volvos.

    1. I love them too– my first car was an old ugly volvo station wagon. I miss it. So much better than a lot of “beautiful” cars.

  13. This is interesting stuff

  14. Interesting serious fact – it has been well observed that when a baby is born, most people (especially the maternal family) always say that it looks like the husband/father more so than saying that it looks like the mother. Evolutionary psychologists have purported that the reason is because the maternal identity is already obvious (woman gave birth), but the family wants to protect the mother/offspring by reassuring the father of his paternity and the baby really is his!

    Hilarious post, enjoyed reading it!

    1. Yes, I’ve read that too and now notice it every time someone has a kid because people really do do that!


    “No, he doesn’t. Because I am not a small fat round-head baby”. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

    When my ex-husband and I had our first child, she came out looking identical to HIS baby photo that his Mom brought to the hospital as proof. I was in and out of sleep and my young ex-husband was sitting next to the window holding our newborn daughter, who is 9 now, and the nurse must have thought I was completely unconscious or else she would have thought twice about saying something so dumb…. “Well, Dad, you might as well have carried her yourself for 9 months… she looks just like you.”…

    Bitch…. I almost climb my c-section’d self outta that bed……. Hahahahaha!

    Great post.

  16. While it’d be wonderful for your baby to turn out like many of those that he bears a resemblance to, I’ll be holding out hope that he stays away from the Uncle Fester lifestyle

  17. Great God!! I’ve been laughing through the post **ROFL *100= LAUGHTER QUOTIENT GENERATED BY THIS POST**

    Thank you for the smiles!!

  18. oOmunmunOo Avatar

    LOOOOL this is so true i laughed so hard great post ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. This is an awesome post! It definitely made my day a little more interesting. I never understand why people say a newborn baby looks like either one of the parents, because honestly, all newborns look the same for awhile and their parents definitely do not look like small, bald, round humans!

  20. Is it inhumane to put a clip on earring on a baby? Because if not, dressing your baby up as Mr. Clean for Halloween would be both easy and hilarious!

  21. It is against the law to say anything other than cute. Do you want to be arrested in development? All babies look alike that is why they mix them up in the nursery. I am sure my parents are out there somewhere. In fact I have to call Biden and see if it was in the area when I was born. I look nothing him like him but so what. I could be a mutation and an xman.

  22. The most awesome post ever. I used to hear those same comments about other babies. “He looks just like his dad!” “She looks just like her mom!” I figured I couldn’t see it because I wasn’t a mom. Now that I’m a mom…yeah, I still don’t get it.

  23. Definitely NOT like Mr. Clean…. baby doesn’t have bushy enough eyebrows.

  24. As a new first time Granddad I found your comments hilarious. Thank you.

  25. Awesome post! Loved it all but got a really good belly laugh at the Chiklis descriptor ” a super-intense giant baby” and then you equated it to a pooping baby!

  26. My mom found me to be the ugliest thing when she first saw me, so yea, i guess the whole “she was the prettiest thing i’ve seen since the moment i saw her” lie doesn’t go in our family. Great post, pretty true, I don’t think my nephew looks mom or dad at 3 days old ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. thank god i’m not the only one that feels this way. newborn babies look like aliens, and you can’t tell who they look like until they get cute and chubby!

  28. Great post! I bet the baby will soon get tired of people telling him he looks like one parent or another. (I know I did before age 7.) To say he looks like Patrick Stewart is quite a compliment though!

  29. Hilarious! So true-babies don’t look like grown people! But won’t people really push this issue? They really, really want to know who the baby looks like.

  30. Loved this awesome post!

  31. Lmfao!! This made me die! Especially Mr. clean and the blue man group! Thank you so much!

  32. Had to laugh out loud at
    “(And 1 time out of ten we have to take him back from my mother, who has kidnapped him.)”

  33. “And here is the thing: No. He doesnโ€™t. He doesnโ€™t look exactly like me because I am not a small, fat, round-headed baby. ” Ha, that line was brilliant. I’ve probably told people that they resemble their child, but I’ve never thought of it that way before.

  34. ha ha ha.. ๐Ÿ™‚ really nice and funny post. i liked it.

  35. This is the best thing written about babies I’ve ever clapped my peepers on!

  36. Super funny post you have here! Very entertaining and smart ๐Ÿ˜€

  37. heheheh, I agree most of them look the same. As they grow old, they then develop similarities to their parents (mother and father or just one of them)

  38. Ha ha.. hilarious post !! You helped me in keeping awake during a boring ,post- lunch ,supposed to be “work session ” in office ..:) Cheers

  39. Am never going to be able to keep a straight face the next time I’m with a bunch of elders discussing a newborn!

  40. Hilarious. Thanks for my morning laugh. When my ex mother-in-law asked me to describe my baby’s looks, my ex father-in-law (on the phone extension) said “all babies look like Winston Churchill.”

  41. People are forever telling me that my kids look like me (Or my husband). I don’t know why, who else would they look like? But people are also always saying to my sisters and I “”Oh yes, you guys.. You guys HAVE to be sisters”.. Geez! Dude! Stop saying that so loudly please!

    Great entry, it made me smile a lot after a tough day, thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. hahaha! this is awesome! beautiful piece ๐Ÿ˜€

  43. I’d add Winston Churchill–even the whiny crying is comparable. Let’s hope the razor sharp wit comes with age as well.
    Fabulous post!

    1. I was thinking “Winston Churchill” as soon as I read the blog title…!

  44. Thanks for this very entertaining post!

  45. Reblogged this on Cool Books and Random Facts and commented:
    I had fun reading this. Lol!

  46. My dad always used to say that newborn babies are ugly. I never knew what he meant until friends around me started having babies. They are wonderful little people and I am so happy to welcome them to life, but… I gotta go with my dad on this one. Almost all newborn babies are ugly! It only lasts a few weeks to a month, but when they’re brand new…eesh! I know that sounds like a really terrible thing, but I’m thinking that by your post, you might feel the same way.

    Regardless, great read! Thanks for making me laugh. What a great start to my day!

  47. John Malkovich in a onesie is going to give me nightmares.

  48. My mum said that I looked just like Edward G Robinson as a baby, and so did my sister. Great post!

  49. Abhinaba Basu Avatar
    Abhinaba Basu

    Mind bobbling ๐Ÿ™‚ …

  50. Wonderful. You’ve fulfilled and surpassed every expectation I had going into this piece. ๐Ÿ™‚

  51. artfaceted Avatar

    I’ve never enjoyed reading or laughed so much at a blog post as much as this one. Thank you!

  52. Reblogged this on ashmarieeskel's Blog and commented:
    Hilarious!!!! Love everything about this post!

  53. This is an awesome post! I laughed out loud so many times my dog got up to come see what the heck was so funny. Keep up the general humorous perspective in your parenting. I just might save your sanity in the years to come. Thank Gawd parents like you are out there…

  54. This is hilarious! I enjoyed your post.

  55. […] “Oh, He Looks Just Like You…!” was great. So I’m […]

  56. he he…so much in common ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. This made me laugh-cry like a giant, John Malkovich-sized baby. Thank you.

  58. Reblogged this on Ich bin ein Kasseler avagy Mese sรถrhabbal and commented:
    I don’t care whatever anyone says. My daughter does look like my hubby, and on her good days a little like me.

  59. Growing up people claimedI look like my mother..>I am black….she is European and a brighter shade than a 100w light bulb…thanks stranger.

  60. Funny stuff! Thanks for the laugh!

  61. i love this but little more work is needed

  62. This was such a wonderful piece! Here I am sitting here late at night while daughter and dogs are asleep, giggling out loud to myself as I read. I have always looked at babies when someone said, “oh he/she looks just like his mom/dad” and thought, really??? I just don’t see it, they only look like a baby to me!!
    When I was going to have my daughter I had a nephew who was about 11 at the time who was so excited about the upcoming birth. He kept saying he couldn’t wait to see what she looked like. I finally told him one day that I didn’t want him to expect too much, that newborn babies weren’t very pretty, just kinda wrinkled and red and alien like. He couldn’t believe I said such a thing. I told him that they were wonderful and special and perfect… Just not pretty. I told him she would be gorgeous to me, but I doubted he would think much of her looks.
    (When she was born he told me I had lied to him, that she was beautiful)
    Anyway, thanks for a great post!

  63. Very entertaining – loved the picture comparisons – thanks!!

  64. Thank you thank you thank you thank you! So I’m not the only one that thinks all babies look alike! My mom goes gaga over babies, and I’m just like “meh. Looks the same as all the others.”

  65. […] Oh, he looks “JUST LIKE YOU”. […]

  66. some perspective and individualistic approach. great thoughts, keep ’em coming

  67. LOL When I was an infant, neighbors told my parents I looked like Adlai Stevenson….another bald guy. But, never fear, I am not bald today. I have a thick head of hair. And, I even have a better smile than I had as a baby…You know, the one they use when they’re messing their britches!!! haha

  68. Great post – a refreshing take. Loved reading!

  69. Exactly, never understood that ‘looks like you’ comment.
    Congrats on getting pressed!!

  70. Sorry to pile on with the rest of the FP crowd. But this was really funny.

    My nephew, Chris, was the ugliest baby I have ever seen. Nobody would claim him for their own side of the family. He had greasy hair (if possible in a newborn) and a nose that looked like he’d been boxing as a zygote — flattened, wide and most unattractive.

    Everybody said he looked like me.

    He did not.

    I still hate him and he is 40 years old. He still, does not, I repeat, does not look like me.

  71. Humorous post on the ubiquitous question that pops up!!

  72. Hehe this is soo cute! I feel like I grew up looking nothing like my mother, blonde hair blue eyes, and possible a good bit more like my Filipino father. But when my mom would run errands with us kids, people would ask her if she was our babysitter!

  73. Hysterical! Our only problem was that our daughter was born with a full head of thick, black hair. Which meant we couldn’t make the bald guy references. Instead we were stuck making monkey references, which have led to a nickname that stuck with her since birth: monkeygirl.
    Great post. Congrats on being FP!

  74. JUST FABULOUS! Love this story….I’m New to your Blog via Freshly Pressed! And a New FAN! My thoughts??? The baby just looks like HIM….A Baby!
    I’ll surely be coming to VISIT OFTEN! Have a Great Weekend,
    Author, Catherine Lyon ๐Ÿ™‚ :-0

  75. I like your post. It’s funny. Sure brighten up as a kickstart to my weekend. Keep it up!

  76. […] Oh, he looks “JUST LIKE YOU”. […]

  77. Reblogged this on CrabbyNews and commented:
    lol. This is exactly like what i think about babies. Their first months were just like any other babies.. ugly & wrinkled. Then they started to show their true face. Nobody should say this to new parents though.

  78. Thank you! This is a thought nobody had the guts to tell because it is way too mean. But it’s really true ๐Ÿ™‚ I reblogged it here:

  79. I just died laughing. Excellent post!

  80. […] Oh, he looks “JUST LIKE YOU”. […]

  81. Reblogged this on Ramblings From a Frazzled Mind and commented:
    Found this and found it pretty funny. I can relate to it. Though none of my children were bald when they were born. Daughter was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, and so many people told me she looked just like me, her mother who has brown hair and eyes. Yeah, suuure!

  82. This made me laugh out loud ALL the way through it!

  83. Brilliant! Thank you for a wonderful read!

  84. hahaha, hilarious !!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    great post and finally a realistic comment about babies. I’m always wondering hoppelessly why is it that I can’t see the similarity between the baby and parents. Great to hear that somebody else doesn’t see it as well!

  85. I loved this post! Yes, the newborn baby only looks like himself ๐Ÿ™‚

  86. Hahaha the Mr. Clean one is my favorite hahaha- and the last one, too! You are amazing

  87. Hahaha. This is hilarious! And absolutely correct. And somewhat horrifying…

  88. I think we should report everyone who says “the baby looks just like you…”. I mean they should never be allowed to be witnesses in crime cases & identify suspects.. i mean just imagine….LOL!

  89. Love it! I always hate when people tell me who my babies look like or better yet ask me who I think my baby looks like. Truthfully I can’t see or tell who the baby looks like when they are in their infancy stage. When they get a little older and their features don’t resemble a small alien or literally like a balding shrivelled up old person. My baby looks like a baby and thats really all I can tell.

  90. Reblogged this on a whole new look. and commented:

  91. Yes! Finally, this drives me crazy too. They all look the same, especially in those first few months. It takes a while for any resemblance to appear. ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Reblogged this on randomsamplingsbyjs and commented:
    So true!!! So funny!!!

  93. So funny. Love the pics.

  94. LOVE this, I laughed so much!

  95. This is hilarious!! I have a step mom and she introduces me as her daughter to people and they’ll say “wow, you guys look so much alike!!” Really?? We always have a laugh about it!

  96. Reblogged this on Tumble.

  97. all so true! great post!

  98. Hilarious!!! I called my baby “Uncle Fester” the other day and immediately felt guilty. This made me feel better!!!

  99. Ha…! Thanks for the laugh!

  100. The only time I accept the “he looks just like you” is when they follow it up with “he’s so cute!” True story!

  101. I love this! I’m one of the only people I know who doesn’t understand it when other people think newborn babies look like one of the parents. They don’t even look completely human yet at that stage…

  102. […] Similar Posts:ย  Oh, Your Baby Looks JUST Like You […]

  103. All babies look like Winston Churchill to me.

  104. Jejunebug Avatar

    You forgot Phil Collins! My kid looked JUST LIKE him.

  105. This post looks exactly like i’ts parent…

  106. Can you do one for non-white babies? I want to see some black man babies, Asian man babies, Mexican man babies?

    Also, there should be a “Put your Depends on before reading” warning on this post.

  107. My baby daughter looked for all the world like Ed Asner when she was four months old.

  108. SB_Australia Avatar

    My kids both looked like tiny versions of my husband…even I was surprised by just how much they looke like him right from the start!

  109. My baby sometimes looks like Wallace Shawn.

    1. Did I write that in my post??? I haven’t read that one for a while but I used to say that one about mine also all the time. It was the hair.

  110. […] was pleased to find this. It’s nice to know that someone else thinks their baby resembles a bald 46 year old man. And […]

  111. HAHAHA I am crying. This is exactly how I felt at first – people would always ask me if I thought he looked like me, and I’d just say, “No, he looks like a standard baby.”

  112. Omg….in tears as I sit here pumping. The accuracy of this hilariously written post couldn’t be better. I’d like to also add Vern Troyer to that list . so great.

  113. Yes!!! EVERYONE comments on how our 5 month old looks JUST LIKE my husband. Yes. Yes, she does. Because he is a bald white guy and she is a bald white baby. That is pretty much the extent of their similarities. This is also why our 3 year old looked like my husband when she was a baby. ‘Cause he was balding and she had the hairline of a balding man. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Also, I hate when people says she has my nose. Um, have you not realized that all babies have a kind of piggy nose to help them breathe while their faces are jammed up against their mommies breasts? Are you saying I have a piggy nose? ‘Cause while I personally find baby noses adorable on babies, I don’t think I could pull off that nose.

    1. HA YES to this – my husband is a bald headed white guy too, just like our newborn.

  114. But it is possible to look exactly like one parent. A friend of mine’s daughter looks JUST like her dad. She is a girl but her face is the spitting image of her father. Every time I see this baby I am about to ask her how is HIS work going. Because I have a feeling it is him in front of me.

  115. How did you not include Winston Churchill! Many babies look exactly like him.

  116. Rosemaire Avatar

    These are HILARIOUS!!! Yes, I am yelling….

  117. Jemma Avatar

    I tell people my baby looks like Yoda.

  118. MyMommyParadox Avatar

    I am SO glad you have Uncle Fester on this list! You have no idea how much that made my day. I was 13 when my youngest brother was born and my mom used to get SO pissed because I CONSTANTLY said he looks like Uncle Fester. It is still my nick name for him. He’s 15 now and God I love how much it annoys him. ๐Ÿ™‚

  119. Connie Washburn Avatar
    Connie Washburn

    could not read it aloud to my husband without I just read it to myself and laughed a lot…

  120. Connie Washburn Avatar
    Connie Washburn

    could not read this aloud because of laughing so much…

    1. Margaret Tolberg Avatar
      Margaret Tolberg

      OMG – I just saw this and couldn’t stop laughing – it is soooo perfect! Love it! And, what a surprise to see you, Connie, in the list of respondents! ๐Ÿ™‚

  121. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found your website. OMG. Thank you for the laughs.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      happy it was enjoyed!

  122. mariposa Avatar

    I love Patrick Stewart, too! I mean, how can you not love Captain Picard? This was so funny and so very true. You have an awesome, quirky style.

  123. I made the mistake of reading this at work and not being able to answer the phones or anybody because of being doubled over on the desk in fits of laughter. You’ve put into words the exact weirdness of being attracted to vin diesel and bruce willis but knowing deep down, they are giant man babies.

  124. Tulika Mukhopadhyay Avatar
    Tulika Mukhopadhyay

    I can’t express just how happy I am to find your blog. When I used to say my baby is weird, everybody rolled their eyes at me. Now I know I am not the only one. I have laughed so much reading this article that my colleague came up to me asking why I was crying so much in office!

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