Category: Uncategorized
It’s January 1st as I begin typing this, and already I’ve made an avalanche of resolutions that I will never in a million years be able to keep. I’ve promised myself I’d read between 9 and 12 books, one of which is an 800-page biography of Theodore Roosevelt called “Wilderness Warrior,” which, for the record,…
Fun, Foolproof Tips for Getting the Perfect Photo with Santa
I like when photos turn out well. I don’t want to pretend I’m the most laid back person on earth and can always immediately say, “Oh, it’s totally fine! I didn’t even care about getting a good photo! Kids will be kids!” I am decent at constructively dealing with disappointment, but that does not mean…
The 8 Items Every New Parent Needs
The Buy Buy Baby on 7th Avenue in Manhattan is a great place to go if you’re looking to have a full-blown panic attack. There are thousands of items lining the shelves and yet, as a new parent, it’s hard to tell what you’re actually going to need. You’re trying to get ready to bring home…
Brunch With My Baby
This week I’ve been guest blogging at the site Brunch With My Baby. Alexis Barad-Cutler runs an eating out/food blog for people with young kids where she reviews local restaurants for both their food and their child-friendliness. She asked if I could “review my favorite place to eat in Jersey City.” I said, “Oh yeah,…
The Best Part of Parenting is that Everything Always Goes Flawlessly
I was kind of excited to give my son food for the first time because I love food. Not making it, but eating it. And also because the books you read about having a baby portray all of the milestones as being kind of magical. “Giving him his first solid food? It’ll be magical! Experimenting…
10 Super Super Super Low Budget Costumes for Kids
Every year I spend month after month brainstorming amazing costume ideas only to realize that it’s suddenly the end of October and I have done nothing and I now have fewer than 6 days to put together some sort of mediocre costume made from particle board and old sweaters. Every year I do this. That…
Why Having a Baby is Like Getting the Hiccups
I am tired of getting advice from total strangers on how to raise a baby. Last week I was harassed in the 59th street Subway station by a woman on the platform who went on for about ten minutes about all the things I was doing wrong, and how hopefully if I had another kid…
Easy Ways to Adultproof Your Home
So I have a baby who’ll be mobile in a few months/weeks/minutes and my coffee table is constructed out of jagged splinters that are held together by rusted nails and broken pieces of metal. Here is a close-up picture of what it looks like: So obviously this cannot be anywhere near a baby who is…