The Ugly Volvo

Category: Parenting

  • Printable Stickers for Your Second Child’s Month-by-Month Photos

    Upon having a second kid, I promised myself “I will treat this new kid exactly like the first kid!” while the whole time knowing that it was extremely unlikely (Nate Silver listed the probability at 0%) that that was how things would play out.  One of the things I had hoped I’d do (in addition…

  • Things You SWORE You’d Never Do If You Became a Parent (BUT THAT YOU’RE TOTALLY GOING TO DO)

    So regardless of whether you have or even want kids, you have vague ideas about what you’d be like as a parent.  We ALL had ideas about what we’d be like as parents and most of those ideas were about how we’d be a thousand times better than the idiots we saw walking around being…

  • A Baby Book of Disasters

    So I have this baby book for my son that I use to record his milestones, and it is boring.  It is so, so boring.  Half the time I don’t even remember to write things down when they happen because I am so wholly uninterested in recording things for this stupid book.  “Today he rolled…