The Ugly Volvo

Brunch With My Baby

This week I’ve been guest blogging at the site Brunch With My Baby.  Alexis Barad-Cutler runs an eating out/food blog for people with young kids where she reviews local restaurants for both their food and their child-friendliness.  She asked if I could “review my favorite place to eat in Jersey City.”  I said, “Oh yeah, sure,” and like a ridiculous a**hole I then sent her this.  And like a lovely human being, she said, “Oh, that’s great!” and printed it.


A Review of My Favorite Place to Eat in Jersey City!


5 responses to “Brunch With My Baby”

  1. Absolutely brilliant. I’ve also been Nowhere, whose sister town is Anywhere twinned with Somewhere.

  2. Hilarious. I had to comment twice.

  3. I love it. Especially that shot of the ceiling fan. Actually I want to say I love you. My bub’s nearly 8 months old and all I can manage at a cafe or restaurant when he is with me, is a milkshake. My “Meal-in-a-cup” which I can handle with one hand and no worries about it getting cold!

    1. I have gotten very, very good at making things with one hand.

  4. Thunderrose Avatar

    This was wonderful because it’s true. Nowhere is where I dined as a child and I have the best memories of all the things they let us do because there were no other patrons to complain. We got to make “under the diningroom table forts”, play on the floor right in front of the main entrance because no one was worried about keeping the area clear in case of a fire, and wandering away from the immediate view of our guardians for hours at a time without anyone asking, “honey, are you lost?” Thanks for that reminder!

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