The Ugly Volvo

Baby’s First Halloween: Is there something I missed?

Itโ€™s your babyโ€™s first Halloween, and if thereโ€™s one thing cuter than an adorable baby, itโ€™s an adorable baby wearing an adorable costume.ย  If you think a photo of your 8-month-old in her bouncer got a lot of Facebook likes, get a load of what happens when you dress her up as a strawberry.ย  Think (just think!) of how people will fawn over your sonย now that he is dressed as a Golden Retriever or a tiny McDonaldโ€™s ketchup packet.

In case you are wondering, the cuteness of baby animals extends upwards for infinity
In case you are wondering, the cuteness of baby animals extends upwards for infinity


And you have known this for a while, of course.ย  ย You have enthusiastically purchased one, or perhaps several costumes for your young baby.ย  You have made her try them on and you could not get over how adorable they were.ย  Your iPhone is full of photos of your child in the costume before you even bothered to remove the tags.

And so now here it is!ย  Halloween!ย  You are super excited to show everyone your adorable baby in her adorable costume except that whoa, whoa, whoa hold on a second, where exactly do you take a baby who is not even a year old?

Sheโ€™s too young to go trick or treating, and itโ€™s weird if you yourself go trick or treating while holding her because itโ€™s way too obvious that youโ€™re just trying to show off how cute her costume is while also obtaining candy for yourself.ย  Last year you went to a Halloween party with all of your friends, but that was when you were childless– you may not know many other people with kids yet and you canโ€™t take a young baby to a party intended for adults because

a.)ย ย ย  Kids arenโ€™t always welcome at adult functions.ย  How will โ€œSexy Draculaโ€ manage to hook up with the guy in the Green Lantern costume if your child is waddling around dressed as a duck, spilling everybodyโ€™s martinis?

b.)ย ย ย  Adult parties are at night when kids are sleeping.

In a way, having a child in a cute costume is a lot like this guy I sometimes see in Manhattan who walks around with a cat sitting on his head.ย  (Iโ€™ve seen him maybe three times.)ย  Yes, it is a weird novel thing that people do not normally see and yes, it is very cute, but there is no real reason for doing it.ย  I am not saying there is anything wrong with walking around with a cat on your head (there is not) but if pressed as to reasoning you must politely admit that you just enjoy the attention or are somehow trying to make money.

Which brings me to the question of what one is supposed to do with his or her baby now that it is dressed up in a costume.

Here are the best answers I was able to come up with.

  1. ย Take a bunch of photos and put them on the internet.

I think everybody has figured this one out.ย  I think the big question is, โ€œYes, but what do we do THEN?ย  Is that all there is to baby’s first Halloween?” ย And the answer is: maybe?ย ย As far as I could figure out, the main reason for dressing a baby up for Halloween is so that everyone will โ€œlikeโ€ the photos you post of your baby on the internet.ย  Which is completely fine!ย  They are very cute photos!ย  (The ketchup packet costume is particularly adorable when the parents are dressed as enormous French Fries.)

* ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

  1. ย Maybe visit your momโ€™s house if she lives nearby?

This may seem sort of lame and boring and you may be sitting at your momโ€™s house going, โ€œMan, this blows, I wonder what everyone else is doing with their babies in Halloween costumes?โ€ย  But probably a bunch of them are sitting in the houses of their own parents or their in-laws wondering the same thing that you are wondering.ย  And if there is one person excited to see your baby, it will be your mother, who will immediately take four million additional photos of the baby to supplement the thousand or so that you have already taken.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

  1. ย Go Trick or Treating Anyway

Look, this is really weird to do, but if youโ€™ve got the balls to do it just start ringing peopleโ€™s doorbells, going, โ€œHi, Iโ€™m a 34-year-old adult wearing Harry Potter Glasses, but take a look at this adorable 8-month-old dressed as an owl and also if itโ€™s not too weird could I have a Snickers?โ€ย  ย If you have friends who have older children of trick-or-treating age, you could maybe pal along with them under the guise of โ€œhanging outโ€ and trick or treat without looking like too much of a lunatic.

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  1. ย Go to some neighborhood Halloween event specifically designed for young babies.

There was a โ€œparadeโ€ in my neighborhood for mothers with young babies and by โ€œparadeโ€ I mean it was a bunch of women pushing strollers in a long line and nobody was really watching or paying attention or cared.ย  The problem with a baby-centered Halloween event is that everyone is there to show off their own children, so it is sort of like if the man with the cat on his head went to a convention full of men with cats on their heads.ย  When there is one of something it is a novelty, but when there are a lot of something it is noticeably less exciting.

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  1. ย Go to someoneโ€™s Halloween party for like the first hour or something and then leave before the fun part of the party happens.

I guess it depends on how cool your friends are with this sort of thing, but this would allow you to feel like a human being who interacts with other human beings, allow other people to see your childโ€™s costume, and to not ruin their party (and your own evening) by spending two hours comforting an overtired, screaming infant in a monkey costume.

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  1. ย Just say โ€œF*ck it, I paid $20 for this costume and heโ€™s wearing it all day regardless of what we wind up doing.โ€

This was what I wound up doing last year with a child that could not yet walk and had just barely learned to crawl.ย  He was not aware that he was wearing a costume and he was barely eating solid food, let alone candy.ย  I dressed him up as a skunk and then just walked around town doing my errands.ย  We went to the drugstore, bought groceries, and went out for pizza.ย  Took the dog to the dog run and then went home.ย  That night we went to the Halloween parade in the West Village even though he was too young to appreciate it or understand anything.ย  I wondered all day if all the other people who had babies in Halloween costumes had done some super exciting thing that I was out of the loop about but I never found out.ย  I more or less did it for the photos and for the guy at the Pizza place who got a huge kick out of the skunk costume.ย  Was it worth it?ย  Iโ€™m not sure.ย  But in 10 years, when I look back at the photos and forget how the day actually went down, my guess is Iโ€™ll feel like it was.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

cute skunk

* ย  ย  ย  ย  * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

If you enjoyed this post, feel free to follow me on Facebook or Twitter or mail creepy handwritten letters to my apartment. ย If you DON’T want to follow me on social media but you know how to fix a DVD player when the disc plays fine but won’t eject, shoot me a line because mine is jammed and I’m getting really tired of watching this one movie over and over again. ย I’ve already unscrewed the top of the DVD player but the disc won’t come out. ย Thanks. ย Also, Happy Halloween and may all your dreams come true!

(Except THAT dream. ย That one’s gross.)


47 responses to “Baby’s First Halloween: Is there something I missed?”

  1. You ENJOY that ovary-exploding cuteness for all it’s worth. Take him everywhere, show off photos on every social media platform (maybe it’s time to start on Tumblr?), because that little skunk IS the cutest thing ever.

    Also – painful truth here – you only get THREE YEARS to do this. Nobody tells you that by the time your child is four, they’ll demand to choose their OWN costume. And it will likely blow and not be cute. Like they’ll want to be a ninja and spend the day beating you with the foam knives that came with the costume and you’ll look back on the halcyon skunky days of yore.

    1. I think babies should wear their costumes way more often than once a year. Your little baby skunk is ridiculous. (In a good way. ๐Ÿ™‚ You could have just posted his photo with no explanation and I would have understood.

    2. Oh and hi Alexis! It’s Dating Coach Kim.

    3. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I just realized this this year as my nephew, who has always been dressed up as an adorable puppy or pumpkin of some kind is dressing as a Ninja turtle. Which, I am guessing, was not his mother’s first choice.

  2. Ah but you have overlooked the important loophole to this thorny problem. If you are patient and able to play the long game then simply have…another baby! Then, when your original baby is a small kid and able to actually trick or treat without crapping out (literally) you will Still Have A Baby!! Obviously timing is important – you have to get the spacing just right. I recommend a July pregnancy to deliver a bright and bunchy 7 month old baby the following Halloween. Then you get the cute small kid AND…Halloween Baby with Viable Excuse for Trick-or-Treating. sidenote; I personally won our local Halloween Costume Parade as a Pirate holding my 7 month old Pirate Baby – I killed the competition (and have the pics to prove it). Nobody can resist a baby with a mustache and an eyepatch!.

    1. Brilliant!

  3. No ovaries to overload here, but a seriously smitten male grandparent, so, yes, only three years to do this, and yes, let the ‘rents know, the adorable cuteness is always appreciated in THAT quarter.
    (Also, DVDs? The way I fix that one is to connect with Netflix/Hulu/Amazon, or find the person next door who also stopped using their DVD player in 2001. They’ll lend you what they’re not using…)

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      You’re a grandparent and you know how to connect with Netflix/Hulu/Amazon? Will you teach my parents?

  4. My “solution” was to dress up in a matching costume to make myself seem like the “fun” mother but I really ended up looking like the “crazy” mother at my daughter’s daycare. (I was giant Alice in Wonderland; she was mini Alice.) It’s all about the pictures. The day itself was about an upset 18-month-old who didn’t understand where her mother had gone because apparently a dime store wig made me a master of disguise.

    1. My 20 month old twins will be pumpkins Friday; I’m going as Tonks from Harry Potter – a little worried what my daughter will think about purple hair since she ready flips out when I take my glasses off to scratch my eye! I believe I may be feeling your pain!

  5. Have you tried a bent paper clip in the teensy manual eject hole underneath the tray?

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      No, but these are amazing ideas. I wound up having someone do it since I was nervous about ruining the disk. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Whatever you do, don’t take the baby to a homeless encampment. Trust me on this.

  7. You need a baby group. We have a halloween party each year and if you think one kid in a costume is cute, imagine 10 of them. On a sofa. Lined up. Cause we are mommy magicians and can make 10 toddlers look at a camera and all smile. Mostly at the same time.
    IDK why you are getting so little use out of your costume. My 2 yo has worn hers for 2 weeks staight

  8. Is it the kind where there’s a tray that you set the disk in? Or do you slide the disk in and the dvd player sucks it in? If it’s the later, then you can try using a credit card with a piece of double sided tape, and put the credit card in the slot so that tape will catch the dvd, and press the eject button at the same time, and pull out the credit card. (pressing the eject button won’t push the disk out, but it should release whatever is holding it in, so that the credit card/tape can pull it out).

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I have the former type and it’s 10 years old so I just now took it to somewhere where they were able to salvage the disk and I got a new one. But thank you for the input. If that’s the type I have now I will remember this.

      1. btw, human babies are WAY cuter than animal babies…

        1. Human babies are only way cuter of they are someone else’s.

  9. I’m all for no. 6! I’ve had an unsuspecting skeleton and vampire in my time! Happy Halloween from the Emerald Isle!

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      Happy halloween from the Garden State ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Michelle Avatar

    You dress them up and let them help hand out candy. Then everyone who comes to your door (cause there will be a lot of parents too) also get to see your cute little skunk ๐Ÿ˜‰ And you smile and nod at the parents that were ballsy enough to take them trick-or-treating anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I think if I lived in a normal neighborhood that might have worked. I live in a city in a super out of the way street where no kids are really walking around on halloween.

    2. Yes, handing out candy was my go-to this year as well. I actual prefer handing out candy to trick-or-treating.

      If you live in an out-of-the-way place, where do kids go to trick or treat? Some of our friends do a trunk-or-treat, and that could be a place to go.

  11. Based on the above picture, it was totally worth it. I think my ovaries just jumped ship.

  12. A lot of shopping malls have trick-or-treating and you will get all kinds of random strangers ooh-ing and aah-ing without having to go outside in the dark (and the cold, if you live up north, where our kids’ costumes are usually covered by winter jackets, which is a total buzzkill but prevents them having to get hypothermia and/or return home after 3 houses because they’ve lost feeling in their toes).

  13. For our first Halloween with our first baby, I dressed her as a fairy (spooky, yes) and waited at the door for trick or treaters to call, bowl of candy at the ready. Nobody called. We had no decorations up, and apparently, that’s code for whether or not trick or treaters are welcome. So, we gave up and put a photo on Facebook instead…

  14. Thank-you- That was really funny! It reminded me of a friend who took their baby Trick-or-Treating one year and my husband was totally laughing at him for getting free candy. I took my 3-yr-old son to the Allentown Fair dressed as a little cow (Sept-only slightly early for Halloween), to get a full use of this adorable outfit.

  15. I dressed my kids up in a black Pearl Jam onesie and put a bandana around their heads. They slept in the bouncer in view of the front door, so when trick-or-treaters came they saw the baby, who looked like a passed out rock star.

    1. Brilliant.

  16. This is great! Couple of things to add –

    2. Going to your mother’s house with an adorable baby in a costume will win you brownie points for the next time you want your mom to babysit.

    3. This works well if you happen to live in a college town where it’s really cold on Halloween (say, like Fairbanks, AK) so the thing to do is go to the college dorms to trick-or-treat. The college kids who participate love gushing over the cute kids.

    5. Do that and then just play it by ear. Maybe the baby just LOVES to socialize and everyone just LOVES the baby. But definitely pay attention to the mood of the place. You don’t want to overstay your welcome.

    6. Or any day of the year, really. Below a certain age you can get away with ANYTHING. Heck, my 3-year-old girl wanted a mohawk at one point. So we gave it to her. Shaved head and all. She kept it for about a year.

  17. I can't decide Avatar
    I can’t decide

    We went out trick or treating with some friends who had older children. Actually, our friends didn’t have older children, but their relatives were visiting, and one of them had a 4 year old, so we all went out trick or treating with the 4 year old.

    This year mine’s almost 2, and we took him to the day care fall carnival this evening. I didn’t know he was supposed to be dressed up because the flyer didn’t say so or have Halloween in the name, but people will go out of their way to give candy to toddlers even without costumes. We tried to play some of the games, but the lines were several families long, and it’s hard to express to someone who can’t yet talk that he’s supposed to throw the beanbag at the pumpkin.

  18. You’ve only just begun… Reminds me of a song. I love your blog and am so far beyond in life I have no right to read it. But it makes me laugh and that is life fulfilled.

  19. I’ve never heard of a baby costume “parade”. #6 never ends. $20 for a costume? Yeah, my four year old will be wearing that everywhere.

  20. Your skunk is adorable!
    Last year our little skeleton went to grandmas & this year the pirate will walk over to our 2 neighbors homes then pass candy at ours.
    No costume for the dog?

  21. Hanneke Bennett Avatar
    Hanneke Bennett

    First of all, that skunky picture is adorable! Would even be enhanced if you went trick- or – treating with a fully loaded diaper, lol!
    You describe my daughter’s sentiments exactly! Her kiddo is 11 months as of yesterday and I’m just a crazy grandma that loves your stories!!!

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      that loaded diaper idea is genius

  22. We did dress up… With an almost two month old…But we went with a whole group of parents and kids as we were the last of our friends at that time to have a baby. And she was a sunflower

  23. Done and DONE! With both kiddos. Awesome post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. I am a little addicted to babies dressed as animals. Both of my girls had winter buntings with bear ears. It’s like Halloween never ended. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ellen

  25. bluesabriel Avatar

    Gah! That skunk! He slays me!

    We took our 20-month-old to the zoo’s Halloween evening event and she had a blast. She has no idea what candy is, but she refused to let us carry the treat bag and delightedly ran around the zoo with her bag dragging the ground while we desperately tried to keep her from running into people’s legs. She shared a snow cone with daddy, got to see animals, adorably waved and said “hi!” to a inflatable ghost, and we got candy while showing off our child. Success!

    1. Hanneke Bennett Avatar
      Hanneke Bennett

      Perfect! And wel written, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. […] Definitely how I feel about Evie trick or treating next week. […]

  27. Hanneke Bennett Avatar
    Hanneke Bennett

    Eh, that’s “well” written! Something I obviously cannot do! Lol!

  28. haha DUH – you write a hilarious blog post (a man with a cat on his head?!) and THEN double whammy us with the most adorable kid-in-costume photo ever.

  29. Loved this! It was great and with a 7 month old, right up my alley!

  30. I love this. My son was born in September of ’06 and, due to my obsession with Halloween, was dressed as a black cat at 6 weeks old to compliment my vampire costume (Clearly, I wasn’t thinking straight). Finding something for him was impossible, so I dyed a onesie, socks, and other random things that unfortunately joined that wash cycle black, then modified a kids’ size costume so the ears and tail stayed on. He answered the door in my arms and literally threw candy at people. He doesn’t remember a thing, but every year since, we dress up together. This year he’s Batman and I’m The Joker, so I’m really glad I started a tradition inadvertently.
    Oh, and the neighbors love the effort so much (or just pity me, it’s unclear) that my separate candy bag is always full at the end of Trick or Treating without me having to resort to stealing his stuff! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I truly love this blog. Thanks!

  31. […] begin, I have to reference this link from one of my favorite parenting blogs, the Ugly Volvo. It’s so funny and mirrors exactly […]

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