The Ugly Volvo

An Open Letter to My Dog After the Birth of my First Child

Dear Tig,

Here’s a list of things for which I want to apologize:

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1. ย I’m sorry for every time I loop your leash around the doorknob and hurriedly say, “Two minutes! ย I’m going to take you outside in two minutes!” ย Because I am not going to do that. ย You know, as you watch me struggling to get the baby into the carrier, realizing that he’s not wearing socks and also that he’s just wet himself, that it is going to be closer to fifteen minutes. ย Possibly 20 minutes. ย Once in a while, forty minutes goes by and you sit, patiently waiting, attached to the door. ย And I walk back into the living room to see you sitting there and yell, “Oh my god Tig, I completely forgot about you!” ย And you very politely turn yourself so you’re facing the door, which is the dog way of saying, “I know you forgot. ย You forget a lot. ย I understand. ย But please, I do need to go outside now.”

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

2. ย I’m sorry for every time I walk through the front door and don’t immediately go to pet you. ย Every time I arrive home I’m faced with the dual enthusiasms of the baby crawling toward me and you bounding back and forth, wagging your tail like a windmill. ย I look at each of you, and I pick up the baby. ย And you are manic with joy and anticipation, your body saying, “I am so excited to see you! ย I am so excited that you are home! ย I am down here! ย Look at this ball! ย I have missed you all day! ย Please please look at me!” ย It literally breaks my heart that I cannot pick up both of you at the same time. ย I try to hand off the baby and pet you within a minute or so, but I always feel like I have broken a little bit of your heart as well.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

3. ย I’m sorry that the baby is allowed to grab your blue rubber ball or your rope toy whenever he wants but that you get into trouble when you chew through one of his wooden blocks. ย I’m sorry for every time I say, “Tig, gentle!” or “Tig, calm down!” ย I’m sorry that he pulls on your ears and grabs hold of the fur on your face and yet, when you try to break free by licking him, we shout, “Tig, stop licking!” ย It’s a giant double standard. ย I want to rationalize it by saying something like, “Yes, but you have big teeth and sharp claws,” but if I’m going to be totally honest with myself, I have four different scratch and bite marks on my face and arms and you are not responsible for any of them.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

4. ย I’m sorry that you didn’t get as much exercise this winter because it was “too cold to be outside with a baby” and that I’d spend twenty minutes bundling him up for a fifteen-minute walk outside. ย I’m sorry for the times you would wander over to smell some pee on a curb or fence post and I’d say, “Tig, come ON.” ย A few different times I’ve had the thought, “I wish I could stop time so that I could take you out for a leisurely three-hour walk and you could smell all the pee and sniff all the discarded takeout containers you want.”

theuglyvolvo dog open letter

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

5. ย I’m sorry that some mornings I can either take the baby to Gymboree at the 8:30 open-gym time or take you to the dog park early so that there are still dogs there, and I take the baby to Gymboree. ย  Whenever the dog park is empty I find myself wishing we had a second dog so you could play with it.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

6. ย I’m sorry that sometimes I can tell you have to pee but I can’t take you outside because the baby’s sleeping and I can’t leave him alone in the apartment while I go out to take you for a walk. ย That is one of the rules of having an apartment.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

7. ย I’m sorry that the two times in your entire life that you pooped in the house I LOST MY FREAKING MIND OVER IT, and yet every other day the baby sh*ts on the floor while urinating all over my bathrobe and I just sort of sigh and walk listlessly out of the room. ย I do not yell at the baby and point to his poop and say “No!”

I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry. ย I absolutely know how totally unfair this seems.

tig poop

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

8. ย I’m sorry that once in a while I have a day where it’s 7pm and Jonathan goes, “Hey, has either of us fed Tig?” And you look up from your dog bowl, where you’ve been politely standing for fifteen minutes, waiting for one of us to realize that we haven’t fed you. ย The baby cries for a bottle and Jonathan and I run like lunatics to prepare it and yet you politely check in on your food dish every thirty minutes to see if we have put anything in there, unbelievably patient with our incompetence.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

9. ย I’m sorry that sometimes I put the baby down for a nap and I can tell you want to play but I just don’t have the energy. ย I want SO BADLY to have the energy, but I just do not have it. ย In a perfect world we would live on a giant piece of land where you could run around and play with dogs or other animals whenever you wanted, but that is just now how things are at this point.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

You’re so good, Tig. ย You’re such a sweet, well-behaved dog. ย And that’s why I feel terrible so much of the time. ย Because you deserve to have all the things you want. ย You deserve to go to the dog park early while there are still dogs there, and you deserve the right to sniff where some dog has peed on a signpost and to sniff it leisurely, without being hurried along because I am carrying groceries and have a one-year-old strapped to my chest in a carrier. ย You deserve attention and love and someone who has the time to give you those things whenever you need them.

And I’m sure someone’s already thinking, “If she feels this bad about her dog, wait till she gets a load of having a second kid.” ย And I know that. ย I know that that will also be impossible and heartbreaking. ย I’m very lucky to have anything to love or anything that loves me back. ย The thought that I’m hurting someone who cares for me is painful. ย I sit around all the time trying to think of ways to make it better.

Which brings me to the end of my list:

10. ย I’m sorry that dogs cannot read. ย If you could read, Tig, you would type in the URL of my website and go, “Oh my gosh, a post about me!” ย And you would read through my list and get a little sad. ย And you would admit that yes, this year has been really hard on you. ย And quietly, you would say, “I’m touched.”

But you cannot do any of those things, Tig, because dogs cannot read letters, open or otherwise. ย I cannot make it up to you by saying I’m sorry. ย I’m not sure I can make it up to you at all.

But know that it kills me, at the end of the day, to see you sitting politely next to my bed while I lie on the mattress, trying to get writing done on my laptop. ย Which is why– you know that “No dogs on the bed” rule that we have so strictly enforced for the past three years?

I love you, Tig. ย I’m breaking it.

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* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

If you enjoyed this post, please like The Ugly Volvo on Facebook. ย ย Or follow me on Twitter. ย Or (if you are feeling ambitious) follow the blog and you’ll get notified once a week or so when I post a new entry. ย  ย 

Also, I have an essay out in this book, which comes out tomorrow. ย If you would like to buy it, you can totally buy it. ย It is a compilation of funny essays by various mom bloggers. ย If you don’t want to buy it but want to buy some other book, Tenth of December by George Saunders was good. ย  ย  ย  ย 

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138 responses to “An Open Letter to My Dog After the Birth of my First Child”

  1. Aw, poor Tig. I occasionally feel bad for my cat but I got over it about the third time she tried to trip me in the dark when I was heading towards the baby’s room at 3 am for a feeding.

    1. The way you have imagined the things is good but the way you have expressed them in words is best.

  2. So sweet and a wee bit sad!! Oodles of love to Tig!!!

  3. Linda Smith Avatar
    Linda Smith

    This is one of the most touching things I have read in ages. You are my new hero for noticing, feeling, and acknowledging Tig’s plight. I have tears in my eyes, so I can’t type anymore. Please keep writing!

    1. ^this

  4. aw, i feel your pain and totally get it. a good dog is such a wonderful thing….lucky you, lucky tig………..really! and for sure i would totally be having tig on the bed, life is short!

  5. Bless you Tig.
    And no, there is no problem with you getting up on the bed. Stretch yourself out Sweetheart, nuzzle in and you may get an absent minded tummy rub, or two, or three……….. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Love your posts!!! They are an amazingly comforting to read (especially for another first time mom). I feel that way about my dog daily, so you are definitely not alone. Keep the posts coming, you verbalize what we are all thinking.

  7. caroline seguin Avatar
    caroline seguin

    I feel the same for my dog Bibi. When your child is old enough to walk you’ll be able to all go for a walk ๐Ÿ™‚ . Thanks for writing so well, I love reading your texts!

  8. This is absolute perfection. My husband and I just got married in November and our dog is our baby (definitely sleeps in the bed with us, and she’s about 70 pounds bigger than Tig!) We often talk about how terrorized she’s going to be when we decide to have children!

    1. Myasara Avatar

      Why is there an exclamation point at the end of that last sentence? Are you excited about it?

      1. What a strange thing to focus on a month after the original comment. Yes, in fact, I am excited both to have children and to continue loving my dog afterward. Thank you for asking ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Sudden sandstorm…sand in eyes…face all wet

  10. I fell in love with Tig through your guilty heart. Wonderful stuff.

  11. My baby turned 31 today, but your post touched me deeply as we had Toby when she was born, and Toby was so good about taking second place. Toby was my baby’s first real friend as Tig will be your baby’s first real friend. He taught her a lot of lessons about love and loyalty and she still talks about him to this day.

  12. AndiePants Avatar

    Thank you for letting your dog on the bed. I don’t have a kid and my dogs are on the bed all the time and I FELL NO SHAME. <3 to tig!

  13. Jessica Avatar

    This post made me sad. Mostly because I feel the exact same way about my dog and baby. Except for the apartment stuff, because we have a house, but you get my drift. I may have shed a tear (or two) and then went and hugged my dog.

  14. Cameron Avatar

    My baby is only 8 weeks old but my heart breaks every day for our 6 year old dog. She is soooo patient, I just wish I had more time for her!

  15. Kelly Barry Avatar
    Kelly Barry

    This is heartbreaking and totally 100% true. I’m typing this with Elphie snoozing on my lap because she can since I put the baby to bed. Thank you for writing this!

  16. I was actually considering not starting a family because of the lack of attention my dogs would have. They are like children to me and I love them more than words can say. I am expecting in October and worried about the attention that they are going to lose. I am going to do my best!

    1. Your best is all you can do. Even though I constantly beat myself for what I’m not doing, I try as hard as I can to give tig a good amount of play with other dogs. I’m always trying.

  17. This letter is perfect! So perfect that I may read it to Lucy, who is currently laying at my feet as I rock Mozzie to sleep. Lucy was our first “baby” and is now going through the same change Tig is. Thanks for sharing this!

  18. To this point you’ve always made me laugh out loud, today you made me weep for the old dog we lost within months of the baby and the new puppy we couldn’t keep.

    1. I’m so sorry. Losing a dog is always heartbreaking. ๐Ÿ™

      1. you’re a really good writer!

  19. Reblogged this on El Blog de Joy and commented:
    While my pup isn’t very well behaved, so much of this resonated with me that I got all teary. He’s nearly 14! And this undoubtedly has been a hard year for him emotionally, probably the worst of his life. As I said in the first few weeks after Adela arrived, he got demoted.

  20. My first baby is my chihuahua Peanut. The first year of baby was tough for her, too. I’ll never forget the look she gave me when Grandma went home but that baby thing stayed with us. She didn’t really rally until the baby started eating solid food. That was also the year my light sleeping husband insisted she she was no longer welcome in our bed. I still miss her and have guilt over her crate location (outer Siberia). She cries if the crate is in the bedroom.
    Just this year, the first baby crossed over into “no longer a dangerous unpredictable human” and is now cuddlable. She’s 9 and Peanut is 13 and she’s headed back into bed soon. Seniors shouldn’t have to sleep alone in outer Siberia.

  21. Totally sobbing. This is how I feel about our dog all the time. He’s just the best dog in the world and I had to go ruin it by adding a kid into the mix. He loves that little boy as much as he loves us, but boy is it hard to look at those sad eyes when I know he’s not had a walk because I couldn’t get it together enough. Thanks for putting to “paper” what I feel daily. Beautifully written. Going home now to snuggle the dog and take him for a walk.

  22. I want to say thank you to you, for keeping your dog even though it’s hard to have a baby and a pet. For loving him enough to know his whole world would be turned upside down without you and that is so much worse than having to wait to pee sometimes, or having a delayed dinner. It’s nice to see in a time when people often just give their pets up because it’s more convenient. If Tig could thank you, he would too!

    1. Giving Tig up is not even a real thought that I could conceive of having.

  23. While our dog has had fewer walks this past year, he has also had way more table scraps as our toddler rains food down on him at every meal. I hope that begins to balance the equation.

  24. Jane Harford Avatar
    Jane Harford

    You are a good pet parent making adjustments for both kids in your life. Sounds like TIg is dealing with it….it will get better…..and for saying that there no way of giving Tig up for your new baby…too many pet parents do exactly that and never try to figure out to work it out…..they all adjust….they will get that you still love them……

  25. Tig is a lucky dog to have an owner who loves him. Many dogs get sent away when their owners have “real”babies, so it could be much worse for Tig than it is. He is loved, but he is not as important as the human child, which is the way it should be.

    1. I’m realizing from these comments that I definitely did not make clear that Tig is a girl. I am going to have to buy her a bandana with hearts on it or shave off her moustache or something ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I have to say, I think you’you’re over thinking it a bit. And please don’t get me wrong, I have 3 kids and a dog, he’s my best bud. But, he IS a dog. He kicks his bowl if I forget to feed him. So then I feed him and he forgets he was hungry. He whines of I haven’t let him out, he goes to pee and then forgets how bad he had to go. Because he’s a dog. And forgets really fast. And he’s still always super excited to see me when I come through the door, whether it’s been 5 minutes or 5 hours. So don’t feel bad that your baby comes first. The dog is fine.

  27. Crying like a baby right now. I know my dogs feel so neglected considering pre-baby we were hiking an hour and day, and now, going around our condo property once a month is the norm.

  28. Kayla Wildman Avatar
    Kayla Wildman

    Usually I find your blogs hilarious, but this one almost broke my heart! I know how hard it is — we had two dogs when our baby was born. Now the baby’s almost 12 years old, and we have two different dogs, and I STILL feel guilty over so many of the same things. (“No walk today” is my worst failing!) But now my daughter is the dogs’ greatest source of lovey-rubs and sweet-talk — and sometimes she insists that I come right over and rub a doggie belly (“He wants YOU to pet him, Mom!”) so . . . well, at least the dogs have a sweet girl to love them even when I’m too busy and my husband’s tired and grouchy after work.

    Thank you so much for sharing your stories of being a parent! Some of them bring back memories for me and some are still “oh yeah, right here right now” even though babyhood is 11 years behind us. It’s always refreshing to hear somebody tell it JUST LIKE IT IS.

  29. Reading this has made me feel a tiny bit better but mainly made me feel not guilty about trying to send my doggy for doggy respite in June for 2 weeks with a friend with other dogs. My husband is away, I’m looking after the child and the baby and starting a new job! Too much of this would be too true if Flag stayed at home

  30. Great post! Brought me to tears. I had a dog when my kids were small and I felt like he was so neglected!! I finally gave him to an older couple who doted on him and him alone. I just couldn’t take the guilt. And it helped that the couple lived a couple houses down so I could visit when I had a moment……

  31. With the breaking of the bed rule, I’m sure Tig goes to sleep happy. That’s the really amazing thing about a dog, give him a little affection, and he forgives you all the rest.

  32. This is incredibly hilarious and sweet. I feel the same way about my poor dog, who has had to deal with this kind of life for the last nine years. Sadly, she never regained her former place of glory. She does receive more attention than when my kids were babies, but it is mostly from my kids, and I’m not sure it is the kind of attention she always wants. But she has been more gracious about becoming low man on the totem pole than anyone else in my family would. For that reason, it is likely better than all of us.

  33. Great post! What breed is Tig?

    1. I have no idea. No one has any idea. We’ve narrowed it down to “terrier?”

  34. Ohh, this made me cry. But I guess, what doesn’t? It was so sweet and sad. And it’s good that you recognize your shortcomings but give yourself gigantic, innumerable props that you didn’t put Tig in the Humane Society under the reason of “had a baby” like too many people do.

  35. I feel ya lady–major doggy guilt over here since my son was born a year ago. We went from daily dog park visits and hours long walks around the city to absolutely zilch. Poor guy is lucky if he goes out even thirty minutes a day anymore ๐Ÿ™ It will get better, I hope. Tig is lucky to have you as her mom!

  36. I feel the same way with my Skittles, except she’s probably a bit less patient than Tig – she’s pretty much a baby herself. I can’t wait for my bub to be big enough to run around and play with her. Love your posts, thanks for putting a smile on my face today!

    1. It took me a second to realize that this was a pet named Skittles since at first I thought, “Man, this person really loves Skittles!”

      1. Haha perhaps I should have been more specific! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mind you, I do like Skittles very much too (but not to a point of personifying them).

  37. I am now a grandmother. I read your blog regularly because my daughter, a new mother, sends it to me. I just want to say that, after my second child was born, I wish I had been able to say to my first child all the beautiful things you say to Tig.
    Our energy is actually finite, though — and at some point we mothers have to go to sleep.
    We hopefully forgive ourselves, and — everything works out!

    1. I find that more or less half this job is doing the best you can and then forgiving yourself when you inevitably fail.

  38. I don’t even like dogs but I felt for Tig – brilliant read!

  39. Kittens4Peace Avatar

    I feel you girl! I’m a single mom (no support from the other mom) with 2 cats and a dog and in the summer it’s a breeze! So hang in there, it gets better. But in the winter it’s so hard! We wake up at 6am and are out the door by 6:30 and most often the temps are negative. But! Here’s the thing, so many people don’t walk their dogs. It’s sad. Yes, you know Tig deserves better, but he will likely get more attention and outside time when the weather changes and your lil one gets bigger. So many people don’t take care of their dogs and don’t feel that pang of “Ugh, I’m not the kind of Dog Mom I want to be”. Only really god dog mom’s get that pang. Tig is lucky. You are lucky to have him. Your babe is lucky to have a great dog. And you all love each other and grow because of it. I tell my babe and my dog that they each make a lot of sacrifices for each other and that’s what makes a family and it’s true.

  40. Such a touching read, I don’t think I can ever write a sorry list to my dear little ones without having tears in my eyes. I love my dogs very much and feel exactly the same way as you do. Thank you for writing this.

  41. Oooof, does this hit home for me. Right in the gut. We have also relaxed the “no dogs on the bed thing” since having our baby a year+ ago. In fact, I will sometimes just pick our dog up and put him on the bed with us, just for tummy rubs and cuddles.

  42. […] Ugly Volvo is a blog by writer and stand-up comic Raquel D’Apice. Recently she posted a powerful open letter containing 10 […]

  43. I’m fairly certain, Tig knows he’s loved and unconditionally at that.

  44. I don’t know – maybe if you have time to blog about it, you have time to pay more attention to your dog? Just a thought.

    1. That was kind of mean.

  45. This is great! Just let Tig lick the baby a bit more – it’s good for the baby, antibodies and all that, and Tig will reap all the baby food goop rewards!

  46. Keep up the good work. I have nominated your for a Liebster Award.

  47. Our poor two dogs…I pretty much need to apologize to them for all the same things. I will also add me whisper screaming, “NO BARKING!! THAT BABY JUST WENT TO SLEEP!” and that I’m really sorry the baby enjoys pulling giant hunks of fur out of our fluffy mutt. That has got to hurt, and he just makes a sad noise and runs away instead of trying to bite the baby.

  48. about100percent Avatar

    You are a much better dog owner than I was. I did all these things when our children were born, and I didn’t always feel bad for the dog. And now she’s gone and the day she died my heart broke completely open and I will never, ever have another dog the end.

    1. Don’t beat yourself up. I work so hard to make sure this dog is happy because I always think about how I didn’t do enough for the dog I had growing up. We’ll always feel guilty but at least we learn from our experiences. very sorry about your pup ๐Ÿ™

  49. Kristin M Avatar
    Kristin M

    Tig is awesome, and you are awesome, and your baby will eventually be awesome with Tig. The great thing about dogs is they live in the ‘right now’ and not the ‘what happened yesterday’ and you can totally make this up to her whenever you can squeak a few minutes of toss the ball, hide the cookie, nibble the dog belly. I feel your guilt. But i look at homeless dogs all day long and help try to find places for them to live so they don’t die.. so Tig has it made, in my book. Because you care enough to feel bad. <3

  50. Hi !! I really enjoyed reading this, seems like you have such a cute and amazing dog ๐Ÿ™‚ I am not a mom but can only imagine handling all of that at the same time!!!
    As a suggestion for poor Tig, maybe hire a doggy walker who can pick him up in the middle of the day to go out walking for one hour ? That way he will get exercise, companionship, his necessities done outside, and most likely the walker will have more dogs and he will make more friends ๐Ÿ˜€

  51. lorispahn Avatar

    this almost made me cry. I have a 19 yr old, an 18 yr old, and a 13 yr old. And 3 dogs. And a cat. And a husband. It is hard to get all that petting and loving and attention divvied out where it’s needed every day. I feel your pain. (So, sadly, I’m letting you know: it ain’t gonna get any better………….)

  52. I read this on a whim and bawled

    1. me too! I’m about to have my first baby and get scared of this very post because of my REAL first fur-baby hahaha… this is literally my future. :'(

      1. Myasara Avatar

        Well then do better than she has done. I found this post criminal. Saying “sorry” does not absolve her of the lack of necessary attention. It’s not as though she’s cutting his park time our walk time short, sometimes she’s not taking him at all. And forgetting to feed him? There’s no excuse for that.

  53. kristen Avatar

    I don’t even have children yet, I’m just busy with business. The guilt is always real. Totally cried the sappy years while my little furry dudes are asleep next to me. They’re the best friends humans could ask for.

    1. kristen Avatar

      *tears. See? Can’t even see what I’m typing.

  54. Reblogged this on miss ene and the boy and commented:
    This post almost made me tear because the writer has aptly put into words many of the feelings I have towards Moon. Sniff.

  55. i love dogs and babies Avatar
    i love dogs and babies

    Seems like you shouldn’t have a dog anymore. Give him to someone that will give him the love he deserves, so that you can give your baby the time he deserves and no one feels guilty about it.

    1. That is an awful idea.!!!!!!!! How could you even suggest that? He’s not “JUST A DOG”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s like family. That’s what all pets are. FAMILY! At least they should be. :/

  56. Claire Avatar

    The beauty here my friend, is that you will never have to say sorry to Tig. Thats just how they (dogs) are. Loved reading some of your blogs tonight.

  57. Oh my, this made me cry. My two dogs are my babies, and I would never want them to feel otherwise. My husband and I joke that when we eventually have children, we will need to take turns babying all of them…easier said than done.

  58. It is hard to get all that petting and loving and attention divvied out where itโ€™s needed every day. I feel your pain. (So, sadly, Iโ€™m letting you know: it ainโ€™t gonna get any better…

  59. This is great. Yay for Tig!! xo

    1. Myasara Avatar

      Are you insane or sarcastic?

      1. Melissa Avatar

        What is wrong with you?

      2. Melissa Avatar

        My “what is wrong with you” comment is directed to Myasara, not theuglyvolvo.

  60. Kika Wintermute Avatar
    Kika Wintermute

    Indeed I know that Tig forgives you every single day for your “petty” sins! Otherwise she would have packed up and moved out. I guess Tig, in her dog logic, feels that once baby #2 comes along you will treat baby #1 just like you treat Tig now. Then, Tig will have baby #1 all for himself… finally a play pal. ๐Ÿ™‚

  61. Kika Wintermute Avatar
    Kika Wintermute

    All for herself, not himself!

  62. grad.nauseam Avatar

    I have two dogs, am expecting my first baby in 3 weeks and this has me in tears. I am heartbroken over how they won’t understand this huge change that is coming, but somehow comforted by the fact that YOU, random internet stranger, understand. So thank you for writing this.

  63. happydogowner Avatar

    really cute post and well written but I have a new baby, a large dog and a cat. but I’m sorry…here goes…my dog goes to the dog park everyday. if it’s colder than -30, I walk her at a pet store indoors. most of the times I take her but sometimes I have a dog walker to take her. I know its work to take baby and dog outside (I’ve done it hundreds of times) but it’s good for baby and really good for mama. It would take me sometimes 30 minutes plus to leave the house and go out in -20. when my son was 4 months old, I broke my arm. I still got the baby and the dog out for a walk with one arm in the winter. if you don’t have time, pay someone to take him. I’m sure if you put up a note in your apartment someone would probably walk your dog for free. if our baby is crying for something and I’m with the dog, the baby waits as he needs to learn that he is not the only being on this planet and learning patience is not a bad thing for little ones. Also, I feel that if we treat our dog well our son will grow up learning to treat animals with respect. I’m sorry to hear you make up a ton of excuses of why your dog doesn’t get the attention he needs. I think you can make it up to him starting today.

    1. Myasara Avatar

      Thank you for writing this. My thoughts exactly. I’d trust my dog with you any day. And you sound like a great parent.

    2. Awesome advice. Thank You. ๐Ÿ™‚

  64. Oh this made me cry. We don’t have kids but my dog does all of these things when I’m on my laptop and I can only imagine… give Tig a pat for me ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I did. She’s on my lap right now because she likes how warm my laptop is.

  65. […] in een deuk. Dat geldt trouwens ook voor alle andere hilarische bijdrages op dit blog. Zoals de excuusbrief die deze moeder aan haar hond schreef of hoe je dag eruit ziet als je de hele dag met een baby thuis […]

  66. […] far less maintenance. Also less maintenance: my dog. Which is why I also love Ugly Volvo’sย An Open Letter to My Dog After the Birth of my First Child. […]

  67. Aaawwwwwww… I love you Tig. ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. Oh, I’m just sitting here crying. Dogs are such special creatures, so full of love and forgiveness. I’m sure he knows you love him dearly, and that are doing better than you think! Also, I’m not sure if your apartment has any rules on how many pets, but you may want to consider getting a playmate for him! I honestly find two dogs to be the same amount of work as one!

    1. it’s too hard not having a car and having two dogs, but she has a dog down the street that she loves so I try to arrange as many playdates as possible. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But oh man, if we get a car someday a second dog is not far behind ๐Ÿ˜‰

  69. Reblogged this on jessalyngrace's Blog and commented:
    So sad but so unbelievably true.

  70. This is my life. We have two dogs and our son is just over a year. And that first year was hard. But probably hardest on our dogs.
    I’m glad you broke the rules. We break rules for them here and there too;)

    It’s hard when you can’t tell the dog that it will be okay and them comprehend.
    We flew from Hawaii to FL with our biggest dog and it was rough leaving him at the airport and not seeing him for 12hrs, I would have given anything to be able to have him understand what was going on.

    Anyway. Good for you and making things work. It’s not easy.
    People have told us to get rid of our dogs but that will never happen. You can’t explain to a dog that they are going to a home that can “give them the attention they need” they see it as abandonment and that is the unlimate heartbreak for them.

  71. Oh, the tears. I often feel inadequate when it comes to giving love and pets to my two cats and I DON’T EVEN HAVE A BABY!

  72. So glad Tig is getting to snuggle with you in bed. That makes up for tons of lost time. The fact that you feel sad means you care, and that’s a great thing. Hang in there!

  73. I read this through tears forming in my eyes.

    This was a very heartfelt post. Don’t worry, he loves you unconditionally (one of the best things of “mans best friend”), and you just being in his life makes up for all those moments when you didn’t have the time.

    We’ve all been through this.

    Thanks for sharing! Made my day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Reblogged this on ashmi de silva and commented:
    Made me cry…

  75. I can so relate to this, even though my first born is 31! It never changes though, there are always reasons to feel guilty.

  76. I feel every single one of these. Personally, though, the worst is when I come home with my baby and our dog, Finn, is losing his mind because he’s so excited to see us. And I quickly pet him a few times only to get my daughter out of the car seat and into the nursery as quickly as possible so I can get her down for a nap. And I shut the door in my poor dog’s face so she can go to sleep. It’s awful. But I feel lucky to have so much love in my life, even if I can’t actively reciprocate my dog’s adoration 100% of the time.

  77. I have a 10 year old beagle, an 8 year old daughter, a 7 year old cat, and a 6 year old daughter. We have lived in many different kinds of dwellings in their lifetimes. The apartments were definitely the hardest!! When you have a house/yard, it is so much easier to feel like you are spending time with everyone and that everyone is happy. It helps that beagles act like toddlers and never patiently wait for anything (dinner time happens when Dixie is knocking her ceramic bowl all over the tile kitchen floor – you don’t feel guilty when your dog acts like a little shit lol) and cats just can’t be bothered ๐Ÿ™‚

  78. Jessica Avatar

    I feel sorry for your dog! His life is so short and he now will be only able to have very few moments of attention and happiness until he goes to dog heaven. Heart breaking!

  79. […] An Open Letter to My Dog After the Birth of my First Child. […]

  80. Reblogged this on Writing Galore! and commented:
    AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW This is what i would write to my dog since I have gotten so busy with school…

  81. I am crying so bad… like snot ever where kind. This is a lot like what I would write to my dog because I have gotten do busy with school lately. :”””””””””'(

  82. I am new to the blogging community and stumbled upon this by accident. What a beautiful letter and tribute to your dog. I cried like a baby. I feel this same way about my little old dog and my puppy. A dog’s love and loyalty are so pure, I’m sure he knows how much you love him!!

  83. I also remind myself that you will not be with me anywhere as long as most of my closest, dearest, most trusting, loving and patient friends – and that someday the day will come when I will miss you terribly.

  84. […] with his leash. It looked a little like this photo I nabbed from a very funny blogger on her page, The Ugly Volvo. (Her dog, Tig, is suffering from a decline of affection since the new baby arrived. It’s a […]

  85. I don’t have children but #4 really hit home for me. In the past few months since I originally read this article I have let my dog lead the way when we go to the park or just out for a walk. It’s now his time where he can explore whatever he wants. Thank you so much for sharing!

  86. Have you thought about getting an automatic pet food dispenser? That and maybe puppy pee pads could help prevent done if the worse parts of this, and teaching the kid to not take the dogs toys could actually help teach sharing in the long run.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      We did work on teaching the baby to share toys and now that he’s older he loves the dog and is so good with her and the toy thing is no longer an issue. She really is ok most of the time with everything else (the only really terrible thing was the days we forgot the food and that only happened twice, when he was a newborn and everything was insane, but still I felt like two cents.) I apologize if this came across like I don’t take care of her– I was just trying to say that I feel bad that I’m not able to give her as much attention as I used to. Before the baby she got all of my attention and I just felt bad that I can’t give her as much as she’s used to getting.

  87. You would rather take your infant to Gymboree where nothing actually happens, over giving your dog the most pleasure he’s had since that baby was born? I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone declare such a selfish decision with such conviction.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I’m sorry if it came across with cruelty. Some days I would take the dog to the run and other days I would take the baby to Gymboree
      and feel guilty. I was trying to do things for both of them. Eventually I cancelled the Gymboree membership because I realized it wasn’t worth it to deny Tig the early run. But I didn’t know that right off the bat when I had the baby. It was a lot of trial and error and this is a post about my errors. I’m not a perfect dog owner and won’t be a perfect parent– I’m just trying to acknowledge when I’m making mistakes so that I can go out of my way to change.

  88. Maybe…give Tig to another family that actually has time for him? Do you know anyone who would love to take him in and could better care for him?

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I can’t even imagine ever giving her away. Sorry to have upset so many people but please please know that this was a temporary situation when I was dealing with a young baby during an extremely cold winter where it was very hard to get them both outside (and still I felt terrible). But even back then she was always walked, just not for as long as I would have liked to walk her (we’re in a city so in the summer she was used to being outside with us all day). Baby is a year older now and I’ve gotten the hang of juggling both of them. Please know that Tig is very well cared for and well-loved.

  89. It’s as if you took the words out of my head and put them on paper (or the screen–you know what I mean). I am straight up weeping right now. My dog was my first baby and I am riddled with guilt on a daily basis with the backseat she is taking.

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      It gets easier with time. I promise. I’m two years in and she’s back to her pre-our-having-a-baby playtimes and outings. Just hang in there ๐Ÿ™‚

  90. Wow – some people are awfully hard on you! But the truth is, the dynamic changes for EVERYONE in EVERY house when a baby arrives, whether they have fur or not. We do the best we can for the ones we love. But, let’s be real, if you didn’t prioritize your baby over your dog (most of the time), then you’d probably be an unfit parent and I would have to stop reading your hilarious blog. And that would make me sad.

  91. Melanie Avatar

    Oh my gosh – crying. I love this. I don’t have babies yet but I do have a fur-baby and my husband I both spoil her to death and worry about what will happen when we do have babes and he insists that Obi will still get all her love. Then I remember the dog I grew up with. And how as a baby I pulled her ears and sat on her and slept in her bed and yet as I grew up we were such good friends – and how much richer her life was to have 3 human sisters to love her and play with her. Soon Tig will have many greetings at the end of the day ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Awwwww. Love. Love. Love. You are a good dog owner.

  93. hey what’s the deal? i thought this was going to be a funny post. And now I’m crying!! Why did you do this, dude? I have the sweetest, kindest, most fun and loving doggie and she has become my best buddy. And now I am pregnant…. oh poor sweet puppy, if you only new what lies in store for you. I’ll just have to give her some extra loving till the baby arrives and hope she somehow still remembers that a couple of years later :-/

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      she’ll be ok. It was really hard in the beginning (and maybe moreso being in the city because I don’t have a yard where I can let her out) but we adjusted and she adjusted and my son’s first word was her name. Hang in there. She won’t be your only baby but she’ll still be your baby ๐Ÿ™‚

      good luck.

  94. I am rolling my eyes at the people who are giving you a hard time. You sound like a fantastic pet owner; they’re just being stupid. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      It’s ok– as much as I get defensive when people think I don’t love my dog I can’t be that mad because the whole reason they’re mad is because they love animals think someone’s mistreating a really sweet dog. Which would make me upset too. The internet sometimes pits people against each other. But the kind words are appreciated regardless

      We don’t know what she is. Got her from North Shore Animal league and they didn’t even tell us where she was found or what part of the country or anything. I tell people “some sort of terrier.” Some people have said cairn, border, schnauzer. But we don’t really have any idea.

  95. I was just wondering, is Tig a scottish terrier? He’s so cute

  96. I am so sorry that people are giving you such a hard time about this. They clearly don’t understand the struggle. I, however, know exactly how you feel. I have this 8 year old Basset Mix named Simpson that I adore to pieces. I got him in college about 6 years ago and he’s been my little amigo ever since. Well, I just had my beautiful daughter, Jaidyn, 11 months ago, and ever since then, my time out with Simps has drastically decreased. I used to take him out for walks every day for at least an hour even though I worked full time. I had to make time for him. I think since I’ve had my daughter I’ve only taken him to the dog park once. Luckily, I have another dog that Simpson can play with at home, but I still feel terrible every day. I seriously commend you in being able to still take Tig for walks, even if they where less than usual, you’re doing a lot better than I have been.

    That being said, I’m glad things have gotten easier for you, hopefully I’ll be hitting that point sometime soon myself. Don’t worry about what other people say because, like I said, they probably don’t understand how real the struggle really is. You’re a wonderful person, and you’ve made me seriously want to try to take care of my boy better. ๐Ÿ™‚

  97. I don’t have a baby or a dog but this broke my heart a little…

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I feel like it’s hard to see anything innocent and loveable feeling sad.

  98. Awwh this made me tear up. I’m not a mom but I have the same guilt with my beautiful dog. My nemesis is work. We’ll get there some day ๐Ÿ™‚ your abundant love for tig is clear โ™ฅโ™กโ™ฅโ™ก

    1. theuglyvolvo Avatar

      I get so jealous of those people who go to offices and are allowed to bring their dogs…

  99. I shed some tears, too. And I’m having some of the same issues because of my age and health. Maggie doesn’t get the long walks she deserves, but she gets to “go bye-bye in the car” and she chases stray cats that come into her big back yard. Her pet door allows her to come and go as she pleases. Her table in the living room allows her to bark at people that pass by on “her street.” And she gets a lot of attention compared to households that have babies, but I think she would be even happier to have a baby to help grow up. You are very blessed to have both.

  100. Poonam Avatar

    my doggie lucy (RIP) was a piece of my heart…she used to be more mum to me than i was to her…she was patient..very patient ..i would land up at odd hours from work and she would wait patiently…never a complaint or a never a tantrum…

  101. This was beautiful

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