The Ugly Volvo

10 Quick, Easy Meals for Moms!

So I signed up to have a kid and even that, really, did I have any idea what I was signing up for?ย  Of course not.ย  No one does.ย  But I am doing it.ย ย  I will put in a lot of time to help my kid learn how to be a good person.ย  BUT, I am not yet eight months into the process and already I am getting mind-numbing e-mails with headlines like, “Easy, Last Minute Meals!” and “10 Super Quick Dinners for Moms.”

 How does she even have time to make six cookies after applying the elaborate stripper makeup?

How does she even have time to make six cookies after applying the elaborate stripper makeup?

And look, I get it, these e-mails are trying to be helpful.ย  But these articles are always accompanied by a woman with potholders on both her hands pulling a casserole dish out of an oven while smiling. ย And I am tired of her. ย  I am tired of the quick meal ideas and I’m tired of getting Facebook sidebar ads for laundry detergents when only two short years ago I was getting ads for eyelashes I could put on my car headlights.

 So there's this.

There’s really nothing I can say that will make this picture any better.

And look, I’m not saying I want the car eyelash advertisements. ย Because I don’t. ย Not every day anyway. ย But I don’t want the ten simple meals e-mails. ย Not yet. ย Let me be a person for a little bit longer before you drown me in an avalanche of Kohls coupons and Tide Stain sticks. ย It’s not that I don’t like being a mother, it’s just that I’m not ready to put on the potholders just yet.

*ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  *ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  *

Exhausted after taking care of a child all day?ย  Realizing that it’s 6PM and not only have you not started making dinner, you haven’t even thought about what you planned on making?ย ย  Worry no more!ย  Thanks to this e-mail service you inadvertently signed up for while looking for child development information, we’re sending you a list of the 10 fastest, easiest dinners to keep your life simple and hassle-free!

Why slave over a hot stove for hours when you can have any of these dishes ready in thirty minutes or fewer, GUARANTEED.ย  So get out your pen and paper and get ready to jot down these:

10 Amazing Last Minute Meal Ideas!

Happy baking cooking woman

If you ever see me making this face know that it is a cry for help.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

1.ย  Nothing

No need to worry about food allergies.

No need to worry about food allergies.ย  Any child can eat nothing!

Your kids haven’t tasted true simplicity until they’ve tasted nothing. ย  Hit them with this specialty a day after you’ve gone out of your way to make “something” and they’ve refused to eat it. ย Nothing can be prepared inย literally seconds.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

2.ย  Grilled Cheese With No Cheese in It

 If they ask where the cheese is, tell them "cheese is constipating."  If they say, "Isn't bread constipating?" you can say, "Well look at our little gastronomical expert."

If the kids ask where the cheese is, tell them “cheese is constipating.” If they say, “Isn’t bread constipating?” you can say, “Well well well, look at our little gastronomical experts.”

This was a particular favorite of my notoriously scatter-brained mother who, true story, made it for us twice.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

3.ย  Put a Bunch of Stuff in a Crock Pot and Leave the House for a While

 You can literally throw almost anything in there.

Perfect for when Alf comes for dinner.

Doย not add brussel sproutsย to whatever you are cooking in a crock pot because no matter how aromatic and wonderful the rest of the ingredients are, you will come home to a house that smells like a giant yeast infection. ย I am telling you this from experience.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

4.ย  Ramen Noodles Made While Crying

 It's that not-so-secret ingredient.

It’s that not-so-secret ingredient.

Worried there wasn’t enough sodium in regular Ramen noodles?ย  Try a batch made and seasoned with a waterfall of tears! ย  I discovered this dish totally by accident but after four evenings of making it inadvertently, it’s become a nighttime staple.ย  To those people who’ve asked, “But what if you run out of things to cry about?”ย  Hahahahahahaha, that’s hilarious, how could that possibly happen??

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

5.ย  Brownies Made in a Cupcake Tin with Double Stuffed Oreos and Peanut Butter Inside Them

 Ironically, has more nutritional value than the thing with the Ramen Noodles.

Ironically, this has more nutritional value than the thing with the Ramen Noodles.

Really strict mothers are going to say something like, “Tsk tsk, this isn’t dinner,” and we will just have to agree to disagree on that one.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

6.ย  Broiled Fish With No Side Dishes Because You Lack Foresight

When your kids start asking, “Is there anything to eat besides just the plain, broiledย  fish?” yell, “MAKE A DECISION.ย  DO YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY OR NOT?”

 From what I understand he subsists on plain, broiled fish and the dreams of other, slightly heavier actors.

He subsists exclusively on broiled fish and other people’s dried-up dreams.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

7.ย  A Bag of Pretzels and Then Pass Out on a Sofa Somewhere


For anyone who says, “That’s not pretzels, that’s cereal,” you’re right. I can only take so much Google Images before I get tired of looking at pictures of pugs falling asleep while eating and just accept that the internet does not have the photo I am looking for.

If this worked for three years in college for me, it should work just fine for my kids.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

8.ย  Just Have a Bunch of Cut Up Vegetables and Cheese in your Refrigerator at All Times and Just Pretend You Are Constantly Eating Crudite Platters at Somebody’s Low Budget Cocktail Party

So this is what I actually actually do about six nights a week and it works great.ย  Not that I don’t occasionally do #’s 5, 6 and 7, but most evenings I just leave the fridge filled with vegetables that I bought and cheese and pickles and olives and whatnot and we just eat those.ย  It works really well because:

1.ย  Vegetables are healthy and that way we eat a lot of vegetables

2.ย  Cheese is great and after eating a bunch of vegetables it is easy to rationalize eating a lot of cheese.

3.ย  I am VERY BUSY using Twitter and watching BBC documentaries about wild animals and do not have time to coordinate a meal that will take 3 hours to make and 4 minutes to consume because really, life is too short.ย  And the last time I attempted making dinner I came home to a house that smelled like a vaginal yeast infection because unlike you guys who were warned, I had to learn that crock pot/brussell sprouts lesson the hard way.

 Boring, I know.  But so is cooking.

Boring, I know. But so is cooking.

Also, if eating vegetables and dip gets overwhelmingly boring and repetitive, you could try arranging them in the shape of a cat skeleton.

1 aa crudites 2

You can find almost anything on the internet. Except, of course, for a photo of a guy asleep next to a bag of pretzels.

* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

9.ย  Just Get Takeout Again

Stop judging me.


* ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  ย  ย *

10.ย  Leftovers From the Other Night When You Made Nothing

I think I made it clear that I’m not perfect. ย And I’ll never be perfect. ย And maybe it’s been a good thing that I’ve never even come close to being perfect, because if I had come close at some point I might’ve said, “Perfection is an achievable goal!” and tried hard to be as perfect as possible. ย But luckily that was never a problem I had.

And while I’d love to blabber on and on about nothing for a few more minutes, I apologize but these crudite platters aren’t going to make themselves.

*ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  *ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  *

Enjoy the post?ย  Like the blog on Facebook, follow me on Twitter or follow the blog by hitting the “follow blog” button at the top of the sidebar.ย  I try to post about once a week.

Similar Posts: The AMAZING Butternut Squash Soup Recipe That Everyone Should Make At Least Once


70 responses to “10 Quick, Easy Meals for Moms!”

  1. waw..awesome.. nyam.. nyam.. nyam

    1. You forgot my favorite dish “Cold Bowl Of Steam”

  2. “[T]he last time I attempted making dinner I came home to a house that smelled like a vaginal yeast infection…” LOLLOLLOLLOL!!!

    Man, I seriously needed that laugh. Thank you!

  3. Last time I mixed brussell spouts where I shouldn’t was with something for the dog. She ate it all bar the 2 green eyeballs looking up at me from her dish!

  4. This is HILARIOUS!!! So refreshing to read an article written by a real mum for us real mums – too funny!!

  5. My husband informed me I was laughing too much as I read this. Seriously funny!

    1. Mine too!

  6. Best comedy blog I’ve read regarding crudite and raw vegetable arrangement in I can’t say how long! Hats off!!

    1. This is the best reply I’ve gotten utilizing the expression, “Hats off!” ever, so this is working out well on all fronts

  7. I genuinely laughed multiple times at this. Great post!

  8. This post is the opposite of Pinterest. Love it!

  9. good workout for my stomach muscles… I am currently bathing in endorphins… excuse me while I go get a tissue to wipe away all the “laughter tears”…. and THANK YOU

    1. Save them for the ramen…

  10. Awesome list! Much better than the ones spamming me on the Facebook feed. The pretzels ‘dish’ is very familiar, they go well with a side of water.

  11. I am laughing so hard that tears are LITERALLY dripping off my face & I accidentally kicked the dog (totally not kidding.) while flailing around on the couch, trying to laugh silently (so as not to wake my children in the next room over). This is awesome. Thank you.

    1. These responses totally make my day. Apologies to your dog, though.

  12. This is fanfuckingtastic. Thank you.

  13. I prefer “delivery” to “take-out”, but YMMV. Other than that, I think this is the best 10 quick easy meals list I’ve ever seen.

    Also, I guess I’d add 11. Dad can cook too. And 12. What’s the point in having kids if they don’t cook for you?

  14. This reminds me of a friend’s story about visiting an acquaintance who said, “I always keep an assortment of charcuterie on hand.” So you’re like the likeable, reasonable person’s version of that.

  15. Billie Whipple Avatar
    Billie Whipple

    Not just for Moms! Here’s what we’ve been waiting for–a truly realistic 10-Easy-Meals plan. The main ingredient of my dinner last night was a package of dark-chocolate- covered Goji berries. That’s healthy, right…?

  16. Yep, you just described my life. And here I was thinking I was the only one!

    1. rudolphina Avatar

      i could truly copy and paste your reply which is about copy and paste her volvo life-lol, oh girls, so we are not the only ones….

  17. My husband and I are laughing so hard that tears are running down my leg, after we made nothing for supper. We had some leftovers from takeout the other night, while raiding our kids Halloween candy and eating the pretzels from between the couch cushions. We did feed our son an apple, some carrots, a Nutella sandwich, and some oyster crackers-all his request. Thanks for a great date night!!!

    1. I just finished eating a bowl full of red peppers and cherry tomatoes followed by potato chips followed by an apple followed by a chocolate bar. I’m glad you had a lovely date night!

  18. What a great list!! Laughing so hard here in Boston. A friend shared your link on my wall b/c I AM one of those chirpy quick-meals mom bloggers. What’s worse is I’m a dietitian ๐Ÿ™‚ However, I wouldn’t even begin to know how to apply stripper make-up (though Jenna Marbles has a great tutorial), and I use my shirtsleeves, not potholders. My favorite is the plain broiled fish, “because I have no foresight.”I make many meals, and truly can only focus on the one thing. Which is why we have canned corn and garlic bread a LOT as sides. Will have to try your cheese-less grilled cheese someday soon.

    1. “Will have to try your cheese-less grilled cheese someday soon.”
      Nobody makes it like my mother.

  19. Oh, I love it. I did the silent laugh with tears so as not to wake my teething four month old, while covered in crumbs from my toast with butter, and a handful of cashews. Thank you for that.

    1. I am very happy you have time to at least butter your toast.

  20. Just classic. Am weeping tears of ramen noodles. I was pointed towards your blog by a comment over on mine, so it’s all a bit wheels-within-wheels, but no matter: this is hands down the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Cheers!

    I will never look like Matthew McConnaughey; at least now I know why…*opens Haribo*

    1. Thanks! I will also never look like Matthew McConnaughey, if that is any consolation!

  21. […] Similar Posts: 10 Quick Easy Meals For Moms! […]

  22. I’m not a mom but I am dying of laughter at your posts! I’m almost tempted to purchase a crock pot and put brussels sprouts in it just to see how accurate your description of the smell is.

  23. recipesfromapantry Avatar

    You are cracking me up. Thank you for making me laugh so hard…

  24. Hilarious! Our house subsists on number 8 all the time. And as for the potholders in both hands, realistically, who with a baby has the ability to have potholders on both hands? What self-respecting baby would let mummy get something out of the oven without screaming his/her head off because you aren’t holding him/her while you’re doing something that looks interesting?

  25. I am fond of the “Lunner”, it is lunch eaten so late that it is counted as dinner as well. It usually follows a late breakfast because, well, i was tired. If my daughter starts to get hungry AGAIN ( ugh, btw) then we have special night which usually means a bowl of ice cream. Just wait until you have to start labeling meals to your kid so you don’t seem like you are starving them.

  26. wait until you start getting the ads for belly fat

    1. So excited I have that to look forward to.

  27. I am so glad to finally find an easy recipe for nothing!! It’s my favorite meal to make, and it will be nice have a little variation on my recipe.

  28. Yes, yes and yes!!!!! I laughed so hard. Been there and done that! And # 11 should be “Peanut butter pops.” Sounds fun eh? Here is the recipe: hand out the jar of peanut butter and let the kids take turns (’cause they are all so goo at that, right?) dipping their fingers into the jar and licking it off. Thanks for the comic relief!

  29. Thank you for telling it like it is! So hilarious and I needed a good laugh after letting the 2-y-o eat tortilla chips and chocolate milk for dinner while the 8 and 11 year olds scoffed at my couscous chickpea chicken. Tonight I made “something” so tomorrow I’m planning on “nothing.”

  30. When my son was an infant and demanded nearly 24/7 holding, I found that a large block of cheddar cheese did just fine for lunch.

  31. Oh, that’s easy! You grab a stick of butter out of the fridge, and just smear the end on the toast. My third (out of 4) son’s way ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. I can relate. My adult daughter recently semi-seriously accused me of feeding her and her brother nothing but macaroni-and-cheese-and-hot-dogs for dinner throughout her childhood.

    This is great. Keep it up. It will save your sanity. Kids are great, except when they’re not.

  33. Hilarious! Love it!!

  34. Charlotte Avatar

    Excellent! Cadeaus from Denmark. Just curious: Why do you know what a yeast infection smells like? My mind works terribly visually and I need to put the images in my brain to rest…

  35. This has made being up at 4AM with my two-year-old worth it. Especially since I just finished pigging out with him at the kitchen counter on cheesecake and eggnog.

  36. Just so you know, my five yr old just made me google images of cats made out of food. Not much out there of those either…

  37. i go for the breakfast for dinner often–bowl of cereal or 2 eggs with toast and OJ –super quick and u will not go to bed super hungry just a little bit.

  38. Here’s some quick healthy meals:
    -Half a can of mixed nuts, an apple and some yogurt.
    -Or a peanut butter foldie and an orange (make that a banana, its easier).
    -Microwave a large baking potato. Put butter on it, and /or cheese.
    -Glass of juice and bag of chips. Or toast, if you feel like cooking.

    1. “or toast, if you feel like cooking.” Thank you. I broke into a huge smile at that one. Hilarious.

  39. I am an older Mum of older kids, but I I could make a wish it would be to go back a few years in time JUST to be able to serve them you dinners ๐Ÿ˜‰

  40. […] Quick, Easy Meals for Moms! Drenched in hilarious sarcasm… sorry, Mom, for being such a picky eater all those […]

  41. Aunt Terri Avatar
    Aunt Terri

    Kaley – please send me the cat skelton all by itself – thx

  42. I have no words…without a doubt one of the best articles I’ve read. I am totally going to try #1, #4 and #10! Thanks for the great ideas! My kids are going to love these meals! They say “Thanks”!

  43. A version of #8 is a regular feature in our house. I refer to it as “tapas” to make it sound less lame than it is. It’s basically me pulling all the random leftovers or small portions out of the fridge and placing them on plates, sequentially. People come through and eat them like hors d’oeuvre. Add beer, and it’s a party!

  44. We just had crudites and cheese for dinner! I thought we were alone!

    1. every. single. night.

  45. Noclevername Avatar

    My 27 year old son loves to create stunning and delicious, nutritional meals, often using fresh-picked heirloom- seed exchange vegetables from his organic, composted, raised-bed urban garden. After reading your article, I felt moved to send him the link in case he forgets what a friend advised at his recent engagement party: “Don’t have kids right away.”

    You had me at two oven mitts. I laughed hard enough to produce a double batch of Ramen noodles. I’d write more but right now I have to go fix brunch: leftover donuts. Here’s the recipe (pretend I inserted a clever photo of half-empty donut box here)

  46. um, I love you. (not in a creepy way…. but this is just my favorite)

  47. AnotherLife Avatar

    Your list was shared with me on the heels of my last born’s college graduation day. I’m so thrilled for those of you who don’t know the burden of guilt carried by a generation of wannabe ‘supermoms,’ as we each secretly wished to become a ‘runaway mom.’ It’s a new day! Your list and refreshing attitude will be shared with all my mom friends, as we face empty nests and hungry spouses in our next phase of life. I’m starting with crudites and takeout sushi at the graduation party ๐Ÿ˜‰

  48. […] Quick, Easy Meals for Moms! Drenched in hilarious sarcasm… sorry, Mom, for being such a picky eater all those […]

  49. This.Is.My.Life. Love it. The only thing missing – mac and cheese. We eat that a lot. Like, a lot. It’s the best when you don’t even have milk in the house, so you have to use water in the “recipe” instead.

  50. Reblogged this on I'm The Shape of A Pear and commented:
    One of my favs

  51. Been busily getting ready for company with two kids home all day and a husband who has been deployed for what feels like forever. In between crying, yelling and scrubbing toilets, I sat down to drink my now cold cup of coffee and discovered you….now one of my most favorite people in the world. Thanks for the laughs, keep them coming. This is better than any self-help, how to make your kids normal while you grow your own organic veggies blog.

  52. Cynthia Meyerhoefer Avatar
    Cynthia Meyerhoefer

    I nearly wet myself laughing. Keep up the great job. I’ve never tried cheeseless grilled cheese, maybe it’s like ‘egg and toast’ without the egg (‘fried bread’ – real British food name). You should tell your mom that it has a name.

  53. Notjudging Avatar

    Love this.
    To the mom who uses a “recipe” cut nac and cheese:
    Boil pasta
    Put a slice of cheese on top.
    Melt in microwave.
    Quickly mix.

  54. Crystal Avatar

    #8 had me in stitches! This is absolutely hysterical. Thank you, thank you.

  55. My sister told me to look up this article and it is HYSTERICAL!! I laughed out loud several times. Raquel D’Apice, you brilliant woman. Thank you so much!!!!

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