The Ugly Volvo

Category: Uncategorized

  • Baby’s First Halloween: Is there something I missed?

    It’s your baby’s first Halloween, and if there’s one thing cuter than an adorable baby, it’s an adorable baby wearing an adorable costume.  If you think a photo of your 8-month-old in her bouncer got a lot of Facebook likes, get a load of what happens when you dress her up as a strawberry.  Think…

  • The Evolution of My (And Possibly Your) Feelings About Nine-Year-Olds

    We all have opinions about nine-year-olds and these opinions depend on a number of factors. Are we related to these nine-year-olds?  Are they eating next to us in a restaurant?  Are they sitting directly behind us in an enclosed train car loudly scrolling through some ringtone app on their smartphone, exclaiming, “Ooooh ooh ooh, they’ve…

  • 10 Innovative (and Delicious) Healthy Snack Ideas for Children!

    I bought a new product the other day called “Motts for Tots,” which turned out to be more or less watered down apple juice.  (And by “more or less watered down apple juice,” I mean “It was watered down apple juice.”)  It was the same price as the regular apple juice. So at first I…

  • The Seven Things I Can’t Stop Noticing Whenever I Read “Knuffle Bunny.”

    I have read the book Knuffle Bunny several hundred times.  Maybe several thousand.  I stopped counting. I still enjoy it.  I still think it is a wonderful book.  If I am forced to read any of my son’s books over and over again, I am happy he has chosen that one. That being said, reading any…

  • If I Worked For Google, This is What I’d Invent

    I had a post a few months ago about how I was sort of worried that my son wasn’t walking yet.  In case anyone is keeping track, he started walking about two weeks ago and never looked back.  Which is why I’d love to see the people at Google get to work on a special…

  • Approximate Food Consumption of my 16-Month-Old Son

    A rough estimate of how much food my son eats when compared to other things that consume food.  Click to enlarge.

  • The Best Instagram Filters for New Parents

    I don’t use Instagram all that much (so apologies if you follow me on there and are less than wow-ed by the photo of my dog I post once every three months). I like it in theory, but most of the filters (with the exception of the black and white one) look more or less…

  • Why Having a Baby Reminds me of Garfield Minus Garfield

    I love the site Garfield Minus Garfield. If you don’t know the site Garfield minus Garfield  it’s a website run by a guy named Dan Walsh who takes Garfield comic strips and digitally erases Garfield from them.   The reason I love Garfield minus Garfield is that when you erase Garfield from the Garfield comic strip, what you get is three panels of…

  • DAD BRIDGE WALK (A Poorly Titled Post for Father’s Day)

    It is Father’s Day this weekend.  And I am lucky enough to have a wonderful father. For anyone who’s going, “WAIT, WHAT IS HAPPENING, I CAME HERE TO READ A QUICK AND SNAPPY THING ABOUT FATHERS, PREFERABLY WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AND POSSIBLY IN A LIST FORMAT,” do not read this.  It is too long.   It…

  • 9 Conversations About How My 15-Month-Old Son is Not Yet Walking

    Will have a new post up on my own site early next week (and will be posting more regularly) but for now the latest post is up as a guest post on the Someecards/HappyPlace website. The post is about how my kid is 15-months-old and still isn’t walking yet and look, he’s fine, he’s fine, I…