Category: Uncategorized
Amazing Mason Jar Ideas For People Who Are Totally Sick of Mason Jars
Your Pinterest account is beating you over the head with “Creative things you can make using mason jars!” but you are tired of mason jars. You’re not interested in making them into soap dispensers or light fixtures or cups because you already own all those things and do not need new, “mason jar versions” of…
The Museum of Things I’m Absolutely Going to Get To Eventually
Hi, and welcome to the Museum of Things I’m Absolutely Going to Get To Eventually. If some of the exhibits make you uncomfortable, do not worry, I am absolutely going to get to all of this stuff eventually! I really am. Really! If you haven’t been here before, let me give you a quick rundown…
What I Look At While My Son Falls Asleep
My son is three years old and each night I rock him to sleep. He grabs a bunch of small blankets from his crib and climbs onto my lap, or what is left of my lap, now that I am almost seven months pregnant with yet another kid that will need to be rocked to…
A Brief Conversation in Which I Sheepishly Ask For Help
ME: I need you to watch the kid today. Possibly all day. HIM: You hate when I watch him. ME: I know, but I feel awful. I have a fever. I’m tired and I’m in a lot of pain. I really need you to do it today. HIM: Literally every time I spend a day…
10 Things You Absolutely Need When Bringing Home a Newborn Juxtaposed With Images of Things You Will Probably Not Need
One of the most overwhelming things about having a baby is not having any idea what it is going to need. And everyone is different so, on some level, everyone will feel like they need different things. As someone who has gone through this whole ordeal fairly recently, there are some things that are totally non-negotiable when bringing…
A Note To My Son About Our Vacation to the Grand Canyon
There’s a place I used to go before I had a kid—the place you go in your head when you look at the Grand Canyon or a beautiful cathedral. The place you go when you are just quietly thinking and taking everything in. To go to that place means to be swept away by…
12 Innocuous Household Items My Son has Turned Into Weapons
Hi! I’m not a violent person! As a kid I had a bunch of NERF arrows and water guns and would sometimes play Little House on the Prairie using an old plastic hockey stick as a hunting rifle. My son, also not a violent person, is a totally wonderful, sweet kid who, when given a Spiderman mask as a…
What Career Will Your Child Have After The Inevitable Fall of Civilization??
You know your child’s personality well enough– they might be outgoing, introverted, athletic, talkative, scheming, determined, artistic, kind. You have your eye on what careers you think might interest them. But what will happen if those careers cease to exist and society reverts into a confusing, Hunger Games-style oligarchy? Like parenting didn’t have enough headaches, right?? Ugh! Below are ten…
On Being Pregnant
I told someone today that I was pregnant and the person said, “Congratulations!” and I politely nodded and continued eating. And they said, “That’s so exciting. Are you excited?” and I said, “Yes, sort of,” the way you might respond if someone congratulated you on landing a brand new job that was much more stressful…