The Ugly Volvo

Category: Uncategorized

  • How Having Children Will Affect Your Ability To Time Travel

    Having a child affected my ability to travel back in time, and not for the jokey “time traveling with a child is difficult” reasons like “hahaha if we go back too far dinosaurs will eat him!” or “who likes traveling to before disposable diapers???” or “I HATE CARRYING TWO SUITCASES AND A BREAST PUMP THROUGH…

  • The 33-Step Extremely Fun Board Game of Having a Second Child

    Are you ready to play the extremely fun 33-step game of having more than one child??  Awesome!  Unfold that game board, rub your hands together enthusiastically and let’s get started! Ready?  Set?  Go!!! 1.) START!  Second child comes out of body.  (Most often vaginally or C-section but would love to hear stories!  Intestinal birth?  Sprung…

  • Hi, This is Really Short and Not About Advent Calendars

    I love Advent calendars.  Love them.  I think it’s because I like things with little compartments and I like looking forward to things. I also hate Advent calendars.  Because often they are filled with things I don’t particularly need.  Often those things are little pieces of plastic crap and if I were cast in a superhero…

  • The Parenting Milestone I Was Asked to Cut From My Book of Parenting Milestones

    I wrote a book of off-beat baby milestones recently. (The first time your baby rolls off the bed, etc. You can buy it here if you want.)  And while my editor and I were in agreement on most stuff, there was one specific milestone I wound up having to cut from the book that I didn’t want…

  • Harold’s Mother and the Purple Crayon

        *               *               * One evening, after thinking it over for some time, Harold’s mother decided to have a baby.   She didn’t own any baby things.  And you need baby things if you are going to have a baby. …

  • I’m Not a Great Mother

    I am at the point in motherhood where, when people talk about being a great mother or even a good mother, I no longer feel like I qualify.  I’m bad at setting strict bedtimes or following schedules and I probably don’t Purell my hands enough. I sometimes let my older son wear a T shirt he…

  • Slightly More Realistic Moms Meetup Groups

    I am a parent and receive e-mails—more of them than I would like, really—for moms meetup groups. And moms meetup groups are important because an enormous part of having children is venting and commiserating with other people who also have children.  Interacting with other parents is one of the things that keeps us sane and makes…

  • Why I Wore a Gorilla Costume to What Was Supposed to be a Traditional Mother/Child Photoshoot

    A photographer contacted me last fall and asked if she could take “day in the life” photos of my son and me.  She would follow us around for a day, she said, and take photos of us doing the things we did in our normal lives. And my first thought, which I admit is sort…

  • This is the Last Time

    I had a son three and a half years ago and everything I went through with him I was experiencing for the first time. I learned how newborns smell (much better than I myself smell, usually). I learned the size of their smallest toenail (viewable only through an electron microscope) and how their heads look…

  • The ABCs of a Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is complicated.  Very often I am too exhausted from being pregnant to read much about pregnancy– I have a giant, thick copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting which, at this point, I use almost exclusively to kill fruit flies.  It is hard to keep track of all the symptoms and side effects…